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Arnold Cautious and the Happiness Stone

English title: Arnold Cautious and the Happiness Stone
Original title: Antero Varovainen ja Onnenkivi
German title: Arnold Achtsam und der Stein des Glücks aka Herr Zaghaft und der Glücksstein
Finland, Latvia, 2023

Director: Halonen, Arto
Production company: Art Films Production AFP
Co-producers: Tasse Films
Age recommendation: 7 years and up
Length: 89 min.
Film genre: Feature film

Julius has a vivid imagination, which worries his parents and his older sister. He is going to start school after the summer, and his family is a bit concerned: how will he fit into the world of school and all its boundaries? Julius’s parents themselves are in the middle of a serious crisis and considering a divorce. Together with his new friend, a “degenerated” vampire Arnold, Julius tries to make a Happiness Stone to solve the issues between his parents and within the family.

Schlingel CFF Chemnitz 2023, Just Film CFF Tallinn 2023, Molodist IFF Kyiv 2024, Vienna CFF 2024, Steiermark CFF Graz 2024 (awarded)

Study guide: Finnish

Study guide: German

World sales address/es:
Media Luna (DE)