Petition supporting film culture for young Europeans

ECFA and KIDS Regio, the lobby initiative for children’s film in Europe, together with its umbrella organisation Cine Regio (network of regional film funds) are making an appeal to promote film culture for young people in Europe on the occasion of the EU’s new Multi-annual Financial Framework (MFF). A petition is launched, and we ask you to read it, sign it and share it. You’ll find the petition here.

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ECFA not satisfied with new Creative Europe Programme

The new Creative Europe Programme 2021-2027 is in the making. Unfortunately, in the new Regulation, proposed by the European Commission, children’s media are regarded in an unsatisfactory way, not like they deserve.

That’s why the State Chancellery of Thuringia asked KIDS Regio and ECFA for advice. Together, both platforms carefully studied the text and prepared amendments, taking into consideration children’s and young people’s media in general, and specifically feature films and documentaries for this target group, as well as media literacy.

These amendments are already supported by the State Chancellery of Thuringia and by CineRegio, the pan-European association of 44 regional Film Funds. Furthermore they have been spread throughout the ECFA and KIDS Regio networks.

Now we hope that many stakeholders (aren’t you all?) will take action to shape the Creative Europe Programme 2021-2027. Therefore you should get in touch with “your” members of the CULT (Culture & Education) Committee of the European Parliament, as well as with other people / institutions who could support our cause.

ECFA & KIDS REGIO continued lobbying

Why Europe needs attention to children’s film
This joint statement from ECFA and KIDS Regio wants to address how important it is that the Creative Europe MEDA Sub-Programme continues with its positive focus on children’s film and lead the way for change. Today, there are too few member states that pay enough attention to this field on their own. And quality films for children with subject matter and a social context that they can relate to seems more important than ever in order to bring Europe together.

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ECFA & KIDS REGIO Post Statement

In April 2017, ECFA and the KIDS Regio lobby initiative have sent a joined statement to Creative Europe, on the occasion of the programme’s midterm evaluation. This ‘Statement for a special attention to children’s films within the Creative Europe MEDIA Sub-Programme’ aims to emphasize the importance of cinema for a young audience and makes a call on European policy makers, political functionaries, local Media Desks and various voices in the ‘children & media’ debate.
Read the statement here.