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Films with Study Guide Available

Max and the Wild Bunch: The Ghostly Granny Aka Max and the Senior Squad: The Ghostly Granny

English title: Max and the Wild Bunch: The Ghostly Granny Aka Max and the Senior Squad: The Ghostly Granny
Original title: Max und die wilde 7 - Die Geister-Oma
German title: Max und die wilde 7 - Die Geister-Oma
Germany, 2024

Director: Oelsner, Winfried
Production company: Neopol Film
Co-producers: Neue Bioskop Film GmbH, Martin Richter Filmproduktion, HR, SWR
Age recommendation: 7 years and up
Length: 90 min.
Film genre: Feature film

While having to live at the Geroldseck Castle retirement home because of his mother’s work, 10-year-old Max has finally found genuine, yet anything but ordinary friends:
The adventurous seniors Vera, Horst and Kilian from table 7 are always there for him. But things don’t really work out with his peers.
He is bullied in his new class and, to make matters worse, PE teacher Ströhle excludes him from playing on the soccer team.
Horst wants to help and challenges Ströhle to a duel: Max and the oldies against the school team. How is that supposed to go over well for Max?
On top of that, the old castle starts to be haunted by a ghost. Will Max and the wild bunch manage to win the soccer match and solve the case of the mysterious ghostly granny?

Contact for festival screenings:
Renate Zylla, RZylla@arcor.de

Marketing strategies:
Based on the books by Lisa-Marie Dickreiter and Winfried Oelsner

Sarajevo IFF 2024, Kinderfilmtage im Ruhrgebiet 2024, Cinedu CFF Nová Bošáca (SK), Schlingel CFF Chemnitz 2024, Bielefeld CFF 2024 (awarded), Rolan Bykow CFF Yerevan/Armenia 2024

ECFA interview available

Study guide: German

World sales address/es:
Onegate Studio Hamburg (DE)

Sold to:
Weltkino (DE)
Filmladen (AT)