English Titles L
- L'Avion – The Plane, France/Germany, 2005
- La Traviata, My Brothers and I, France, 2021
- Labyrinthus, Belgium, 2014
- Laika, Czech Republic, 2017
- Lamb, France, Ethiopia, Germany, Norway, Qatar, 2015
- Lamb, The, Italy, 2019
- Lame-os, Latvia, Czech Republic, 2021
- Land of Glass, Denmark, 2018
- Land of Good Kids, Russia, 2013
- Land of Light, Germany, Turkey, 2016
- Land of Mine, Denmark, 2015
- Land of Oblivion, France, Ucraine, Russia, Germany, 2011
- Land of Sasha, The, Russia, 2022
- Land of Storms, Hungary, Germany, 2013
- Lapislazuli: In th Eye of the Bear, Austria/Germany/Luxembourg, 2005
- Larry, Hungary, 2022
- Lars is LOL, Norway, 2023
- LasseMaja's Detective Agency - The Chameleon Strikes Back, Sweden, 2008
- Lassie, Great Britain, 2005
- Lassie A New Adventure, Germany, 2023
- Lassie Come Home, Germany, 2019
- Last Days of Spring aka Beyond the Blue Bridge, Netherlands, Spain, 2020
- Last Film Show, The, India, France, 2021
- Last Hammer Blow, The, France, 2014
- Last Island, The, Spain, 2012
- Last Male on Earth, The, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, 2019
- last Man alive, The, Germany, 2001
- Last Swim, Great Britain, 2024
- Last Time We Were Children, The, Italy, 2023
- Last Week in September, The, Italy, 2024
- Last Whale Singer, The, Germany, Czech Republic, Canada, 2025
- Latch, Finland, 2013
- Latin for all, France, 2023
- Latte and the Magic Waterstone, Belgium, Germany, 2019
- Laura's Star, Germany, 2004
- Laura's Star, Germany, 2021
- Laura's Star and the Dreammonsters, Germany, 2011
- Laura's Star and the mysterious Dragon Nian *, Germany, 2009
- Laurence in the Land of Liars, Germany/ Luxmbourg, 1996
- Layla M., Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, 2016
- Lea & Darija, Croatia, 2011
- Leaps & Bounds, Norway/Sweden/Germany, 2007
- Learn by Heart, France, 2015
- Leave to Remain, Great Britain, 2013
- Left Foot, Right Foot, Switzerland, 2013
- Legend of King Solomon, The, Hungary, 2017
- Legend of Longwood, The, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, 2014
- Legend of the Christmas Witch – The Origins, Italy, 2021
- Legend of the Christmas Witch, The, Italy, 2018
- Legend of Timm Thaler or The Boy Who Sold His Laughter, The, Germany, 2016
- Legends of Valhalla – Thor, Iceland/Canada/Norway, 2011
- Lena, Belgium, Netherlands, 2011
- LenaLove, Germany, 2016
- Lene and the Spirits of the Forest, Germany, 2020
- Leo Da Vinci: Mission Mona Lisa, Italy, Poland, 2018
- León and Olvido, Spain, 2004
- Leroy, Germany, 2007
- Lesson Learned, Hungary, 2024
- Lesson of Magic, Ukraine, 2017
- Lesson, The – Teaching the Holocaust to Germany’s Gen Z, Germany, 2020
- Lessons of a Dream, Germany, 2011
- Let Him Be a Basketball Player, Slovenia, 2017
- Let Me Fall, Iceland, Finland, Germany, 2018
- Let the Girls Play, France, 2017
- Let the right One in, Sweden, 2008
- Let There Be Light, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, 2019
- Letter for the King, The, Netherlands/Germany, 2008
- Liberation of Skopje, The, North Macedonia, Finland, Croatia, Great Britain, 2016
- Libertad, Netherlands, Spain, 2021
- Life According to Nino, Netherlands, Belgium, 2014
- Life Hits, Denmark, 2007
- Life in One Day, Netherlands, 2009
- Life without Sara Amat, Spain, 2019
- Light Light Light, Finland, 2023
- Lilet Never Happened, Netherlands, 2012
- Lili, Poland, 2023
- Lilja 4-ever, Sweden/Denmark, 2002
- Lilly and the Magic Pearl, Monaco, Bulgaria, France, 2015
- Lilly the Witch – The Dragon and the Magic Book, Germany, I, A, ESP, 2009
- Lilly the Witch – The Journey to Mandolan, Germany, 2011
- Lilly's Bewitched Christmas, Germany, Austria, 2017
- Lil’ Buck: Real Swan, France, 2019
- Lime - A bit Green, Norway
- Lingui, the Sacred Bonds, Tchad, France, Belgium, Germany, 2021
- Lion Woman, The, Norway, 2016
- Lionel, Switzerland, 2010
- Lioness, Netherlands, 2023
- Lippel's Dream, Germany, 2009
- Lisa Limone and Maroc Orange – A Rapid Love Story, Estonia, 2013
- Listen, Portugal, Great Britain, 2020
- Listen, Greece, Bulgaria, 2022
- Listen to the Silence, Georgia, 2016
- Listen Up!, Norway, 2023
- Little Allan – The Human Antenna , Denmark, 2022
- Little Ballerinas, France, 2020
- Little Bee Julie and Lady Life, Italy, 2003
- Little Big Girl, Denmark, 2002
- Little Big Mouse (Circleen), Denmark, 2004
- Little Big Panda, Germany, China, Luxembourg, 2011
- Little Bird, Russia, 2015
- Little Bit of Freedom, A, Germany, 2002
- Little Black Spiders, Belgium, Netherlands, 2012
- little Christmas Story, A, Sweden, 1999
- Little Comrade, The, Estonia, 2018
- Little Crumb, Netherlands, Belgium, 1999
- Little Crumb and the Race to the Gold Mine, Netherlands, 2020
- Little Crushes, Poland, 2014
- Little Dodo, Germany, 2007
- Little Gang, The, France, 2022
- Little Gangster, Netherlands, 2015
- Little Germans, Germany, 2019
- Little Ghost Laban, Sweden, 2007
- Little Ghost, The, Germany, Switzerland, 2013
- Little Girl, France, 2020
- Little Girl Blue, Switzerland/Germany, 2003
- Little Girl who sold the Sun, The, Switzerland/France, Senegal, 1999
- Little Goat, Stubborn Ram, Germany, Denmark, Norway, 2015
- Little Greek Godfather, Greece, 2007
- Little Grey Fergie and his New Friend Clunky, Norway, 2011
- Little Grey Fergie Saves the Farm, Norway, 2016
- Little Grey Fergie – Country Fun, Norway, Ireland, 2016
- Little Grey Fergie – Full Throttle, Norway, 2016
- Little Grey Fergie – The Secret on the Farm, Norway, 2004
- Little Harbour, Slovak Republic & Czech Republic, 2017
- Little Hippo, Belgium, 2001
- Little King Macius, The, Germany, France, Poland, 2006
- Little Knights, Czech Republic, 2009
- Little Lion, France, 2012
- Little Longnose, Russia, 2003
- Little Longnose *, Germany, 2008
- Little Man, The, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, 2015
- Little Medic – Secret Mission of the Bodynauts, The, Germany, 2014
- Little Miss Dolittle, Germany, 2018
- Little Mountain Boy, The, Switzerland, 2015
- Little Nicholas, France, Belgium, 2008
- Little Nicolas – Happy as Can Be, France, Luxembourg, 2022
- Little Nicolas' Treasure, France, 2021
- Little Night Fairy Tale, Bulgaria, 2006
- Little One, The, Austria, Italy, 2009
- Little Ones, France, 2022
- Little Polar Bear, Germany, 2001
- little Polar Bear, The, Part 2 - The Mysterious Island*, Germany, 2005
- Little Prince, The, France, Italy, 2015
- Little Red Boy, Italy, 2007
- Little Robbers, Latvia, Austria, 2008
- Little Sandman and the Missing Dream Dust, Germany, 2010
- Little Secrets, Luxembourg, 2006
- Little Soldier, Belarus, Russia, 2019
- Little Spirou, France, Belgium, 2017
- Little Thirteen, Germany, 2012
- Little Tito and the Aliens, Italy, 2017
- Little Tom Thumb, France, 2001
- Little Vampire, France, Belgium, 2020
- Little Vampire 3D, The, Netherlands, Germany, 2017
- Little White Lies, Germany, 2009
- Little Wing, Finland, Denmark, 2016
- Little Witch, The, Germany, Switzerland, 2017
- Liverpool Goalie, The, Norway, 2010
- Living Forest, The, Spain, 2001
- Living is Easy with Eyes Closed, Spain, 2013
- Living Large, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, France, 2024
- Load, The, Serbia, Croatia, France, Iran, 2018
- Lobis. The Unknown Treasure, Lithuania, 2022
- LOL - Laughing Out Loud, France, 2008
- Lola, Belgium, France, 2019
- Lola on the Pea, Germany, 2014
- Lollipop Monster, Germany, 2011
- London Town, Great Britain, USA, 2016
- Long Live Love, Denmark, 2020
- Long live the Queen, Netherlands, 1995
- Long Story, A, Netherlands, 2013
- Long Way North, France, Denmark, 2015
- Longing for the World, Switzerland, 2023
- Looking for Venera, Kosova, North Macedonia, 2021
- Loranga, Masarin & Dartanjang, Sweden, 2006
- Lord's Angel 2, The, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, 2016
- Lord's Angel, The, Czech Republic, 2006
- Lore, Germany, Great Britain, Australia, 2012
- Los Bando, Norway, Sweden, 2018
- Losers, Bulgaria, 2015
- Lost Boys, The, Belgium, France, 2022
- Lost Brother, The, Germany, 2015
- Lost Christmas, Great Britain, 2011
- Lost in Africa, Denmark, 2010
- Lost Treasure of the Knight's Templar II, The, Denmark, 2007
- Lost Treasure of the Knight's Templar III, The: The Mystery of the Snake Crown, Denmark, 2008
- Lost Treasure of the Knight's Templar, The, Denmark, 2006
- Lotte and the Lost Dragons, Estonia, Latvia, 2019
- Lotte and the Moonstone Secret, Estonia, 2011
- Lotte from Gadgetville, Estonia, Latvia, 2006
- Lottie and Lisa, Germany, 2007
- Lottie and Lisa aka Lotte & Luise: Twins on Board, Germany, 2016
- Lou!, France, Belgium, 2014
- Louis & Luca – Mission to the Moon, Norway, 2018
- Louis & Luca – The Big Cheese Race, Norway, 2015
- Louisa: An Amazing Adventure, Great Britain, 2020
- Louise by the Shore, France, 2016
- Loulou and other Wolves, France, 2003
- Louloute, France, 2020
- Love + Hate, Ireland, Great Britain, 2005
- Love according to Dalva, Belgium, France, 2022
- Love at 16, Greece, 2004
- Love at first Hiccough, Denmark, 1999
- Love Beats, Spain, 2019
- Love Cuts, Croatia, Serbia, 2019
- Love in Our Soul, Slovak Republic, 2014
- Love in Thoughts, Germany, 2004
- Love Is In The Air, Denmark, Sweden, 2011
- Love is the Word, Netherlands, 2013
- Love Like Poison, France, 2010
- Love me if you dare, France, 2003
- Love Will Save Us, Sweden, 2024
- love, peace & beatbox, Germany, 2007
- Lovecut, Austria, Switzerland, 2020
- Loveliest Riddle, The, Czech Republic, 2008
- Loving Lorna, Sweden, 2017
- Loxy, Greece, 2024
- Lucia's Christmas (aka: All I Want For Christmas), Denmark, 2018
- Lucky and Zorba, Italy, 1998
- Lucky Devils, Russia, Switzerland, 2013
- Lucky Four Serving the King, Czech Republic, 2013
- Lucky Hans and his Golden Journey, Germany, 1998
- Lucy Goes Gangsta aka Lucy Wanted, Germany, Netherlands, 2022
- Luis and the Aliens, Germany, Luxembourg, Denmark, 2018
- Luke and Lucy: The Texas Rangers, Belgium, Netherlands,Luxembourg, 2009
- Lulus, The, France, 2022
- Lunnis and the Great Fairy Tail Adventure, The, Spain, 2019
- Lyra, Ireland, Great Britain, 2022
Little Polar Bear
Original title: Der kleine Eisbär
German title: Der kleine Eisbär
Germany, 2001
Director: Rycker, Piet de & Rothkirch, Thilo Graf
Production company: Cartoon Film, Thilo Graf Rothkirch
Co-producers: Warner Bros. Germany
Age recommendation: 6 years and up
Lars is a rather unusual polar bear cub. He lives with his parents in the huge polar landscape. One day something strange happens: Lars makes friends with the seal Robbie, who has saved his life. Lars' and Robbie's parents are shocked, for after all, polar bears usually only like seals for dinner. And the adult polar beara Kalle, Palle and Nalle think that Lars' behaviour is impossible.
A huge argument develops among the animals. But Lars, Robbie and the walrus Sopho arrive at a solution: the seals will provide fish for the polar bears, and in exchange the polar bears will leave the seals in peace. The animals are all prepared to accept this agreement and celebrate their reconciliation with a party.
But then one day a black ship arrives. The seals cannot catch any more fish, and the Eskimo girl Mani also reports that they have not had any fish for a long time.
Together with his friends, Lars finally manages to put the black ship out of action. (Gera 2001)
"The most beautifiul film for children in the year 2001 and already now a classic." (Reinhard Kleber, Kinder- & Jugendfilm-Korrespondenz)
Exciting and clever animated fable for all the family. Based on the classic books by Hans De Beer. (Leeds Children's Film Festival 2003)
Marketing strategies:
The film is based on Hans de Beer's books, which are popular in several European countries. Some short films on the same books have been broadcasted during a very popular German TV-magazine for children.
With the film Warner Bros. organized 400 (!) previews on September 20th 2001 (world day of the children).
Merchandising and cross-promotion with producers of toothpaste (!), toys, games, chocolate, school utrensils and - aiming on the parents - AOL. 2,7 million admissions in Germany, plus 500.000 admissions in Austria and Switzerland.
Antwerp 2003, Golden Sparrow Erfurt/Gera 2003, Leeds 2003, Duesseldorf 2003
Website: www.derkleineeisbaer.de
World sales address/es:
Warner Brothers (DE)
Sold to:
Warner Brothers (DE)
Warner Bros. Italy (I)
Warner (A)
Warner Bros. (B)
Kinderkanal (D)
Bundesverband Jugend und Film (DE)
Gébéka (F)