English Titles I
- I Accidentally Wrote a Book, Hungary, Netherlands, 2024
- I Am, Poland, 2005
- I Am A Terrorist, France, Germany, 2010
- I Am Chance, Belgium, France, 2022
- I am David, Great Britain, USA, 2003
- I Am Free, Russia, 2019
- I Am Greta, Sweden, 2020
- I Am not a Witch, France, Great Britain, Germany, 2017
- I Am the Sea, Turkey, 2020
- I Am William, Denmark, 2017
- I Am Zlatan, Sweden, 2021
- I Cesar, France, 2003
- I Don't Love You Anymore, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, 2023
- I Don't Wanna Dance, Netherlands, 2020
- I Feel Like Disco, Germany, 2013
- I Give You My Word (aka: My Own Honour Bright), Russia, 2013
- I Give You My Word 2, Russia, 2015
- I Give You My Word 3, Russia, 2017
- I Have been Waiting for You, France, 2020
- I Have Electric Dreams, Belgium, France, Costa Rica, 2022
- I Kill Giants, Great Britain, 2017
- I Know You Know, Great Britain, Germany, 2008
- I Love You Very So Much, France, 2010
- I MIss You, Sweden, Finland, 2011
- I Never Cry, Poland, Ireland, 2020
- I Segreti del Mestiere, Switzerland, 2019
- I Used to Like the Sea, Belgium, 2018
- I Used to Live Here, Ireland, 2014
- I Want to Live, Lithuania, 2018
- I Was Here, Estonia, Finland, Taiwan, 2008
- I Won't Come Back, Estonia, Finland, Russia, Bielo Russia, Kazachstan, 2014
- I'm not Scared, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, 2002
- Ibelin, Norway, 2024
- Icarus and the Minotaur, Luxembourg, France. Belgium, 2022
- Ice Dragon, The, Sweden, 2012
- Ice Tale, Russia, 2021
- Iceberg, Belgium, France, 2005
- Icelandic Gang, Netherlands, 2018
- Icelandic Gang, The, Netherlands, 2018
- Identity Card, Czech Republic, 2010
- Idol, The, Great Britain, Palestine, The Netherlands, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, 2015
- If I Want to Whistle, I Whistle, Romania, Sweden, 2009
- If You Are a Man, France, 2022
- Igor and the Cranes' Journey, Israel, Poland, Germany, 2012
- Ikingut, Iceland, Norway, Denmark, 2000
- Il più bel secolo della mia vita, Italy, 2023
- Ilja and the Robbers, Russia, 2007
- Imad’s Childhood, Sweden, Kurdistan, Latvia, 2021
- Immediate Boarding, Norway/Sweden, 2003
- Immenhof – The Adventure of a Summer, Germany, 2019
- Imminent Age, The, Spain, 2024
- Imperfect Age, Italy, 2017
- Importance of Tying Your Own Shoes, The, Sweden, 2011
- Improbable Time Travel, Belarus, 2014
- Impy in Wonderland *, Germany, 2008
- Impy's Island, Germany, 2006
- Imûhar „A legend“, France, 1996
- In Desert and Wilderness, Poland, 2001
- In Fairytale We Trust, Russia, 2012
- In Good Faith, Germany, 2024
- In Limbo, Russia, 2021
- In My Dream, Turkey, 2020
- In Orange, Netherlands, 2004
- In Pursuit of a Better Life, Sweden, 2016
- In the Blood, Denmark, 2016
- In the Duvet, Czech Republic, 2011
- In the Forest of Huckybucky, Norway, 2016
- In the Mighty Jungle, France, 2018
- In the Name of Sherlock Holmes, Hungary, 2012
- In Your Arms, France, 2009
- In Your Dreams, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Bulgaria, 2016
- Inbetweeners Movie, The, Great Britain, 2011
- Incredible Story of the Giant Pear, The, Denmark, 2017
- Indian, The, Netherlands, 2009
- Indivisible, Italy, 2016
- Infernal Khorugv, The Or Cossack Christmas, Ukraine, 2019
- Infinite Slime Movie, The, Netherlands, 2023
- Inkheart, Germany, Great Britain, USA, 2007
- Innocence, The, Spain, 2019
- Inseparables, The, Belgium, Spain, France, 2023
- Insyriated, Belgium, Lebanon, 2017
- Interval, The, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, 2012
- Into Dad's Woods, Belgium, France, Switzerland, 2019
- Into My Name, Italy, 2022
- Into the Beat, Germany, 2020
- Into the Wonderwoods, France, Luxembourg, 2024
- Inuk, Greenland, France, 2010
- Inventor, The, Ireland, France, USA, 2023
- Invisible Boy, The, Italy, 2014
- Invisible Boy, The – Second generation, Italy, 2018
- Invisible Ones, The, Netherlands, 2024
- Invisible Sue, Germany, Luxembourg, 2018
- Invisibles, The, Germany, 2017
- Iqbal & the Juwel of India, Denmark, 2018
- Iqbal and the Secret Recipe, Denmark, 2015
- Iqbal and the Superchip, Denmark, 2016
- Iqbal: Fearless Child, Italy, France, 2015
- Irina – The Scarlet Briefcase, France, 2013
- Iris, Italy, 2000
- Iris, Finland, 2011
- IRL (In Real Life), Sweden, 2013
- Iska's Journey, Hungary, 2007
- Island Bird, The, France, 2022
- Island of Lost Souls, Denmark, 2007
- Island of Secrets, The, Finland, Greece, 2015
- Island, The, Italy, 2003
- Island, The, Romania, France, Belgium, 2021
- Isn't She Lovely, Belgium, 2020
- It is Not Forever, Russia, 2019
- It is Summer at Last, Hungary, 2002
- It's Always Been Me, Denmark, 2023
- Itaker – Italians not Allowed, Italy, 2012
- Italian Key, The, Finland/Italy/England, 2010
- Italian, The, Russia, 2004
- Italo Barocco, Italy, 2014
- Itty Bitty Princess, Finland, 2024
- It’s Raining in the House, Belgium, France, 2023
- Ivan Tsarevitch and the Changing Princess, France, 2016
- Ivan's Dream, Spain, 2011
- I’m a Fucking Panther, Sweden, 2014
I Am A Terrorist
Original title: Je suis une terroriste
German title: Ich bin eine Terroristin
France, Germany, 2010
Director: Gaudissart, Valérie
Production company: Clandestine Films
Age recommendation: 12 years and up
Violette knows that she will go and one night, she will. Once away from her home,she will make good on her innermost wish, to walk in the steps of Rosa, the Rosa to whomshe feels intimately attached, her Rosa, Rosa Luxemburg. Just thirteen, but Violette,thinks of herself as Rosa’s heir, the guardian of her memory. In the energy and the courage of this revolutionary figure, she finds her own identity. She feels herself transported by the utopian vision of the letterswhich Rosa wrote from her prison cells in 1917.
She will tear herself away from the rural Burgundy countryside which is all she knows firsthand of life, and put into action her patient plans to run away, to go East, to get as far to the East as she can. By night train she will slip off, following directions which only make sense to her own whimsical reasoning, stopping off along the way wherever she thinks she can follow the traces of Rosa’s fatal odyssey. The vastly different adventures she will have, through Lorraine towards Berlin, to Poland, each border she crosses, each newencounter she makes, will mark her for life.
Her path will be secret and lonely, but she will meet so many different people and see such different sights, that her wish to grow up, to experience the world, and in what way a thirteen year old can,to change it, will be fulfilled.
Our Violette, still just a kid but no longer a child, is on her lonely way to a midnight encounter on the old stone bridge over the Landswehr Kanal in Berlin where Rosa was thrown, and determined totake up where Rosa left off. And she will end up in Luxembourg City, where in a way of her own invention, she joins forces with Rosa in a prison. Violette, escape artist and sayer of words of consolation, will have made of her 4000 mile trip an insolent but singular rite of initiation.
Dhaka/Bangla Desh 2011, Tromsø 2011, Zlin 2011, Lola Kenya Screen Nairobi 2011
Website: www.clandestine-films.fr/featured/ich-bin-eine-terroristin
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