Year of Production 2020
- #LIKE4LIKE, Ukraine, 2020
- #lockdocs, Netherlands, 2020
- 3 Minutes of Silence, UK, 2020
- 59 Days , Greece, 2020
- 7 Kids, The , Russia, 2020
- 90%, Germany, 2020
- All Of Our Shadows, UK, 2020
- And Yet We Are Not Super Heroes, Belgium, France, Portugal , 2020
- Antropocen , Polen, 2020
- Anyway, Sweden, 2020
- Apple Tree Man, Russia, 2020
- Aquaphobia, Norway, 2020
- Astronaut, The, Poland, 2020
- Aua, Germany, 2020
- Bear Who Swallowed a Fly, The, France, Belgium, 2020
- Bear. The, Russia, 2020
- Beast Slayer , Iceland, 2020
- Beauty Boys, France, 2020
- Becky's Weightloss Palace, Germany, 2020
- Beef, Spain, 2020
- Being Someone Else, Norway, 2020
- Bench, UK, 2020
- Bertha and the Wolfram, Belgium, 2020
- Best Orchestra in the World, The, Austria, 2020
- Beware the Wolf, France, 2020
- Big Crunch, The, France, 2020
- Big Top, The, UK, 2020
- Bits, Slovenia, 2020
- Black & White, Switzerland, Germany, 2020
- Black Box, Turkey, 2020
- Black Hole , Switzerland , 2020
- Blackbirds, France, 2020
- Blank Paper, Germany, 2020
- Blanket, Russia, 2020
- Blue, Ireland, 2020
- Bread and Butter Lady, The, France, Belgium, 2020
- Canary, Finland, 2020
- Charlie Surfer, Norway, 2020
- Children of Gainmore: How They Found It, Czech Republic, 2020
- Cola or Lemonade, Germany, 2020
- Comet, The, Russia, 2020
- Cornstalk, Russia, 2020
- Cover Track, Northern Ireland, 2020
- Cramps, Norway, 2020
- Dad Magnet, Belgium, 2020
- Dalia, Iceland, 2020
- Departure, The, France, Marocco, 2020
- Desert Dogs, Switzerland, 2020
- Devil in the pocket, A, France, 2020
- Dinosaurs: The True Story, France, 2020
- Dive, Greece, 2020
- Dolapo is Fine, UK, 2020
- Dungarees, UK, 2020
- Electric Sky, France, 2020
- Enraged Ones, The, Finland, 2020
- Fien, Jip & Fien, Belgium, 2020
- Finger of Death, The, France, 2020
- Flo the Seal , Polen , 2020
- Fly, Spain, 2020
- Girlsboysmix, Netherlands, 2020
- Goads, Greece, 2020
- GRRRL, Germany, 2020
- Happy Eviction , Spain, 2020
- Hedgehog Spikiney, Croatia, 2020
- Hello Africa, Turkey, 2020
- Here and Loud, Germany, 2020
- Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth , UK, 2020
- How My Grandmother Became A Chair, Germany, 2020
- How Shammies Travelled, Latvia, 2020
- Howling, Belgium, 2020
- Human A.O.K., India, Italy, 2020
- I Still Breathe, UK, 2020
- I, Julia, Sweden, 2020
- In Nature, Switzerland, 2020
- Ink, Netherlands , 2020
- Island Living , Iceland, Denmark, UK, 2020
- Jano & Shiro, A Brothers' Journey, Netherlands, 2020
- Jasmine, Greece, 2020
- Julieta & the turtles in the plastic soup, Netherlands, 2020
- Kaolin, France, 2020
- Kicksled Choir, The, Norway, 2020
- Kid Cat, France , 2020
- Kiki the Feather, France, 2020
- Kiko and the Animals, France, Switzerland, 2020
- Lamp of God, The, Portugal, France, 2020
- Last Whistle, The, Poland, 2020
- Leaf, Czech Republic , 2020
- Little Bird and the Bees, The, Switzerland, 2020
- Little Boat That Wanted To Fly, The, Russia, 2020
- Little grey Wolfy - Fall Travellers, Norway, 2020
- Liyoki, France, 2020
- Louis’ Shoes, France, 2020
- Lupin , France, 2020
- Madison In Between, Denmark, 2020
- Magnetic Fields, France , 2020
- Marmalade, Bulgaria, 2020
- Masel Tov Cocktail, Germany, 2020
- Material Bodies, UK, 2020
- Matilda and the Spare Head, Lithuania, 2020
- Maxim - The greatest, Germany, 2020
- Me, a Monster?, Spain, 2020
- Messages in a Bottle, France, 2020
- Mido and the Instrumentals, France, 2020
- Migrants, France, 2020
- Mishou, Germany, Bulgaria, 2020
- Mother Didn't Know, Norway, 2020
- Mum, help, Sweden, 2020
- My Faith - A Sikh is not afraid, Denmark, 2020
- My Family is a Circus, Belgium, 2020
- My Uncle Tudor, Belgium, Portugal, Hungary, Moldova, 2020
- Not a Word, France, 2020
- Nova, Netherlands, 2020
- Number 10, France, 2020
- Obervogelgesang, Germany, 2020
- Observing the Tardigrades, Russia, 2020
- Only a Child, Switzerland, 2020
- Orchestra from the Land of Silence, Slovakia, Afghanistan, 2020
- Orgiastic Hyper-Plastic, Denmark, 2020
- Other Way Wolf, The, Russia, 2020
- Passerbuy, The, Belgium , 2020
- Pea Children, Latvia, 2020
- Piccolino, An adventure in the city , Spain, 2020
- Popcorn Boy, Norway, 2020
- Princess and the Bandit, The, Russia, 2020
- Promise, The, UK, 2020
- Purple Child, The, Germany, 2020
- Pussy Boo, France, 2020
- Red Rover, UK, 2020
- Reflection, Spain, 2020
- Rehak, UK, 2020
- Rettai Jadai - The Girl with the Red Ribbons, Germany, India, 2020
- Roberto, Spain, 2020
- Romance, X and Y, France, 2020
- Rumpa, Norway, 2020
- Sad Beauty, Netherlands, 2020
- Scream, The, France, 2020
- Sea Dragon, UK, 2020
- Seahorse, Germany, 2020
- Sealskin, Iceland, 2020
- Shoot, Czech Republic, 2020
- Sleeping Prince, The, France, 2020
- Snow Queen in German Sign Language, The, Germany, 2020
- Sogni al campo, Italy, 2020
- Sounds Between the Crowns, Czech Republic, 2020
- Souvenir, Spain, Switzerland, 2020
- Stone in the Shoe, A, France, Switzerland, 2020
- Substitute Teacher, The, Sweden, 2020
- Summer Fasting, France, 2020
- Tales from the Multiverse, Denmark, 2020
- Talia, UK, 2020
- Thea & Tuva, Norway, 2020
- Thousand and One Nights, The, Turkey, 2020
- Tiger Tibbe, Belgium, 2020
- Tina Times Two , Ireland, 2020
- Tiny Kingdom of Princess Aurelia, The , Polen , 2020
- Tiny Tale, A, France, 2020
- to Anna, Germany, 2020
- To teach a bird to fly, Finland, 2020
- To the Dusty Sea, France, 2020
- To the seventh, Greece, 2020
- Tobi and the Turbobus, Germany, 2020
- Trick or Treat, Norway , 2020
- Trona Pinnacles, France, 2020
- Umbrellas, France, Spain, 2020
- Vanille, France, Switzerland, 2020
- Warm Star, Russia , 2020
- Why didn’t you stay for me?, Netherlands, 2020
- Winter Sleep, Czech Republic, Ireland, 2020
- Wish, The, Iceland, UK, 2020
- Witch & the Baby, The, Russia, 2020
- Yes-People, Iceland, 2020
- You Sold My Roller Skates?, France, 2020
- Youth, A, UK, Greece, 2020
English title: Liyoki
Original title: Liyoki
France, 2020
Director: Sarah Munos, Arthur Lefebvre, Francesca McCall, Jérémy Livingston, Aurélie Tapponnier, Thibault Cambresy, Armel Boutillon
Production company:
ESMA Montpellier
140 Rue Robert Koch
F-34080 Montpellier
Phone: +33.(0)
Age recommendation: 10 years and up
Film genre: Animation
Liyoki, a silverback gorilla, lives peacefully with his family, when they are attacked by poachers. Wounded by a bullet, Liyoki has a choice to make : unleashing his vengeance, or saving his last child, Kitoko.
Zlin 2021
Cartoon Club 2021