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Year of Production 2020

Cabinets of Wonder

English title: Cabinets of Wonder
Original title: Meine Wunderkammern
German title: Meine Wunderkammern
Germany, 2020

Director: Kim, Susanne
Production company: Neufilm, Expanding Focus
Co-producers: KiKA
Age recommendation: 9 years and up
Length: 80 min.
Film genre: Hybrid Docufiction

If childhood were a place, where would it be?
"Cabinets of Wonder" is set as a feature length documentary movie and a VR experience made WITH, FOR and BY children.
Wisdom (11), Roya (12), Joline (12) and Elias (14) take us into their inner world and show us their secrets and desires – an adventurous journey about friendship and belonging, but also about fear, exclusion and expectations. We look into their minds and hearts and discover new planets, anger, love, cat people and shiny blue bugs. The children leave reality and get together in a secret place that is inaccessible for adults.

IDFA Kids & Docs Amsterdam 2020, JEF CFF Vlaanderen 2021, Golden Sparrow CFF Gera/Erfurt 2021, Michel CFF Hamburg 2021, Kids Kino CFF Warsaw 2021, Kinolino CFF Dresden 2021 (awarded), Doxs Duisburg 2021, Rabazz CFF Leipzig 2022

Website: cabinetsofwonder.net

ECFA interview available

Study guide: German

World sales address/es:
Neufilm (DE)

Sold to:
Eksystent (DE)
Bundesverband Jugend und Film (DE)