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Year of Production 2020

Max and the Wild Bunch

English title: Max and the Wild Bunch
Original title: Max und die wilde 7
German title: Max und die wilde 7
Germany, 2020

Director: Oelsner, Winfried
Production company: Westside Filmproduktion, Rat Pack Filmproduktion
Co-producers: Leonine Studios, Berlin Group, Shoot'n'Post & Tonbüro, SWR, WDR
Age recommendation: 8 years and up
Length: 86 min.
Film genre: Feature film

A real castle for your new home – can you imagine anything cooler? Yeah, you can, thinks nine-year-old Max. Because Castle Geroldseck is a senior citizens’ home full of wrinkly grans and gramps. But so his mom, a single parent geriatric nurse, can work night shifts as well, Max is now living in the Raven Tower. As the only kid among all these old ...

But Max soon finds friends among the home’s elderly residents: actress Vera, soccer coach Horst and researcher Kilian, together better known as the Wild Bunch. Max also notices something weird’s going on in the old walls. There seems to be a mysterious thief up to no good, stealing valuables from the residents’ rooms in broad daylight. Among the suspects is also Max’s mother, who is threatened with the sack. Max joins forces with Vera, Horst and Killian to bring the real thief to justice.

Chicago CFF 2020, Just Film Tallinn CFF 2020, Golden Sparrow CFF Gera/Erfurt 2021, Kinderfilmtage im Ruhrgebiet 2021 (awarded), Kinolino CFF Dresden 2021, Kindertiger-Award 2021 for the best script, Ale Kino! CFF Poznan 2021, Taiwan CFF Taipei 2022

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