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Films with Study Guide Available

Snow Queen in German Sign Language, The

English title: Snow Queen in German Sign Language, The
Original title: Scheekönigin in deutscher Gebärdensprache, Die
Germany, 2020, 12 min.

Director: Britt Dunse
Production company:
Britt Dunse
Choriner Str. 57
D-10435 Berlin
Phone: +49-(0)179-234 9221

Age recommendation: 6 years and up
Film genre: Animation

We tell fairy tales with the children in German sign language (DGS) and develop an aesthetic and visual language together with them that appeals equally to deaf and hearing people. The children can experience that their language (the DGS) is not translated as a feature in passing, but is a central element of the film.

The film offer for deaf children is vanishingly small. Therefore, it was our wish to create and realize films with and by children in German sign language. By working closely with deaf people, hearing people should be given access to the world of experience and imagination of deaf people and be made curious.

Mo&Friese 2021


Study guide: German