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Nineandahalf's Goodbye

English title: Nineandahalf's Goodbye
Original title: Neuneinhalb Abschiede
German title: Neuneinhalb Abschiede
Germany, 2010, 14 min.

Director: Halina Dyrschka
Production company:
Ambrosia Film
Mehringdamm 99
10965 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 81 82 16 16
Fax: +49 30 61 67 59 55

Age recommendation: 6 years and up
Film genre: Feature film

Tom is 10, Piet is 6 years old. Two inseparable brothers. Tom explains the world in his very own way, enabling his little brother to understand life`s secrets. He always turns things the way that they make sense – no matter if they are true or not, because in his eyes it is just important that they could be true.
Piet wants to have a little brother of his own now, too – to explain the world to him as well as his elder brother did. But he gets a hamster instead. Now the hamster has to listen to all of Piet's secrets - whether he likes or not.
One day Nineandahalf lies dead in his cage. Now Tom has to explain what “being dead” means? Where does the hamster will go to?

Sonderpreis des Deutschen Hörfilmpreis 2013
2 Golden Elephant’s, International Children’s Film Festival India, Indien
Friedrich-Wilhelm- Murnau- Kurzfilmpreis 2011, Wiesbaden
Bester Kinderkurzfilm, Filmfestival Bayreuth „kontraste 2011“
Bester Kurzfilm beim Festival FESTICINEKIDS Cartagena, Kolumbien
Lobende Erwähnung der Kinderjury FESTICINEKIDS Cartagena, Kolumbien
Spezial-Preis der Jury, ROSHD International Film Festival, Teheran
Bester Kurzfilm beim 15. Int. SCHLINGEL Filmfestival in Chemnitz
Lobende Erwähnung der Kinderjury beim Festival LA MATATENA in Mexico City
Publikumspreis Festiwal Filmów Dziececych GALICJA, Karakau
Prädikat besonders wertvoll, Filmbewertungsstelle Wiesbaden

Study guide: German

Website: Website

Sold to:
Bundesverband Jugend und Film (DE)