Swiss festivals join forces in Industry Forum

When festival partners in one country decide to partner up, it might boost the national effect. Switzerland has recently made a sound children’s film policy a working point, which is now reflecting itself in the festival landscape. Three Swiss festivals – the Castellinaria festival in Bellinzona, the Zoomz Festival in Lucerne and the Festival Jeune Public in Lausanne – have joined forces in the KIDS FILM FORUM.

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DOXS RUHR launches intergenerational debates in cinema

kino.for you, the young curators’ project by DOXS RUHR, is set to continue its exciting journey. After two inspiring editions, this year’s festival once again creates a space for young perspectives. Its latest initiative Mind the Gap*s invites different generations to engage in an open dialogue about film and socio-political issues. This new section deals with topics such as the climate crisis, intergenerational contact, and dealing with historical heritage and memory. What divides, what unites, and how can film ensure that different views find each other in a conversation? 

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Luftkind celebrates Christmas with ANIMAL TALES

The French-German co-production ANIMAL TALES OF CHRISTMAS MAGIC celebrated its German premiere in September as part of the MICHEL Children & Youth Festival in Hamburg. The film enchanted young and old alike with its visual richness, its festive atmosphere and gentle narrative style. With ECFA member Luftkind Filmverleih as one of the co-production partners!


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KIDS Regio shares results in Amsterdam, Brussels and Tallinn

In the run-up to the KIDS Regio Forum in June 2024, the KIDS Regio lobbying platform conducted the ‘Keeping up with Children as an Audience’ research project, gathering insights from 374 children across Europe, shedding light on what they value and expect from film and media today. KIDS Regio found ways to disseminate the results of that research in Amsterdam, Brussels and Tallinn.


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FRITZI & SOPHIE reunited on TV

On 3 October, in celebration of Germany’s reunification, FRITZI & SOPHIE – A BORDERLESS FRIENDSHIP got its German TV premiere. The story of FRITZI: A REVOLUTIONARY TAIL, in which a young girl wants to return a dog to her best friend, who fled to the West, now gets an extended spin-off in a TV series, presented during the Schlingel Industry Forum.


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Polish Film Educators Foundation joins ECFA

ZEF – a Team of Film Educators (32 members) – is an independent group of experts, selecting the most interesting and valuable films for young audiences. Taken into consideration are titles premiering in Poland or presented at children’s film festivals. That’s why last year, ZEF managed to establish cooperation with the Berlinale and the Zlín Film Festival, and this year they’ll be attending the Filem’on Festival in Brussels.


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