Workshop Warehouse – ECFA goes big in 2023

After biding time in the pandemic fridge, the Workshop Warehouse event should be ECFA’s piece de resistance in 2023. The event, organised in cooperation with Cinema Ritrovato, will take place from 30 June – 2 July in Bologna. The Workshop Warehouse will host 10 workshops and around 50 active participants.


Participants will be welcomed on June 30 in the afternoon, kicking off the event with a Cinemini presentation. All workshop sessions will take place on 1 & 2 July. 10 invited workshops will focus on different aspects of film language such as animation techniques, different ways of perception such as the emotional impact on young audiences and different topics like responsible citizenship.

The 10 selected workshops are:

– Cineteca di Bologna (Italy): Near… Far

– Taartrovers (the Netherlands): LightLab

– Linfraviolet (France): Ciné-dance

– Ciclic (France): The Graphinéma

– Drac Màgic (Spain): The Game of Editing – ecological audio-visual creations

– JEF (Belgium): Changemakers

– Animok Animation Festival (Denmark): Pixilation – the magic in animation

– Olympia Festival (Greece): Rotoscopic Animation Basics

– Play Festival (Portugal): Moving words – Visual Poems

– Koulukino (Finland): Learning film literacy and active watching with Film Keys


Come and shower yourself in workshop fun through active participation!