ECFA welcomes as a new member; the Ennesimo Film Festival & Film Academy, based in the Sassuolo region, Italy. The Ennesimo Film Festival is aiming to transform people’s perspective on the world through cinema. Artistic Director Federico Ferrari: “We want to spread knowledge about the art of cinema and familiarise the audience with the diversity of contemporary cinema on an international scale. A concrete and direct investment to make the Italian Ceramic District globally even more attractive from a cultural point of view.”
After working for three years with lower secondary school pupils through the project “Non è l’Ennesima Giornata di Scuola”, Ennesimo is about to embark on a new adventure for schools: the Ennesimo Academy! The Academy is rooted in the awareness of the increasing importance of video – and therefore of cinema – as a tool for communication. In fact, cinema and all other forms of visual media, have proved their crucial educational and pedagogical value, especially for teenagers. When dealing with different and sometimes difficult everyday situations, many young people turn towards cinema to find an answer to their needs, either through participation in workshops or simply by watching a movie.
Federico Ferrari: “The project relates to the fact that the over-exposure of young people to continuous visual stimulus doesn’t necessarily lead to an increased awareness regarding the facts, topics, events and images they are bombarded with. Nowadays, reflections and discussions are often led by the opinion of ‘wannabe influencers’ or by impulsive emotions. Opinions are often regarded as “bad” without a possibility for direct confrontation or gaining personal insights.”
The Ennesimo Academy will provide students with an “instruction manual”, in order to help them find their way through the flow of visual information they experience every day, which needs analysing with a critical eye. These courses in visual education are part of a learning process that ranges over several years, both during and outside school hours. The Academy launches four different courses, that are all interconnected: three of them addressing secondary school pupils and one for children in nursery schools. Federico Ferrari: “This is how we want to inspire new generations of cinema lovers. And this is one of the reasons for becoming a member of ECFA. Would you help us reach our goals?”
The next edition of the Ennesimo Festival will take place from April 30th – May 3rd 2020.
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