First ECFA Doc Award at Zlin Festival

Football on Icelandic volcanoes (Bragi Þór Hinrikssona’s THE FALCONS will open this year’s edition), superheroes on two continents, horse races on Mongolian plains, crazy little rockers, fights against ancient giants, retro adventures of small kidnappers and the rite of passage in the American wilderness. These and other topics will appear in the films of the international competitions for children and youth at the 58th Zlín Film Festival – International Film Festival for Children and Youth, to be held from 25th May to 2nd June 2018.

ECFA is particularly proud about one novelty in the Zlin competitive programme: we’re happy to announce one new competitor for the ECFA Doc Award. Promoting the documentary genre in an ECFA competition, the festival will showcase seven European young audience documentaries. Among them are CHILDREN ONLINE (Kateřina Hager, Czech Republic), HOBBYHORSE REVOLUTION (Selma Vilhunen, Finland) and TOGETHER (Daniel Fahre, Norway).

This year’s festival will celebrate the 100th anniversary of Czechoslovakia, with four thematic sections. Czech cinema will also be represented by several films in the main competitions. The complete film programme will be available on May 14th 2018 on