The Film Corner International Conference (9 & 10 November 2017) at the MIC-Interactive Film Museum and Cinema Oberdan in Milan is part of ‘The Film Corner project – Online and offline activities for film literacy’, promoted by Fondazione Cineteca Italiana and co-financed by the European Commission within the Creative Europe programme. The conference will take place in the context of the Piccolo Grande young audience Cinema Festival.
‘The Film Corner – Online and offline activities for Film Literacy’ project aims to design, test and release an online platform for film literacy, developing innovative cross-media approaches for teachers in the digital era. The platform provides interactive didactical resources with which users can develop their film literacy skills. These pedagogical resources will focus on generic film literacy skills explored through a number of EU national and non-national films.
The project involves 5 European institutions from 4 EU countries: Fondazione Cineteca Italiana (Milan, Italy); The Film Space (London, UK); The Nerve Centre (Derry, Northern Ireland); Jugoslovenska Kinoteka, the National Cinèmatheque of Serbia (Belgrade, Serbia) and University of Milano Bicocca (Milan, Italy).
The Film Corner International Conference is open to the public and addressed to professionals in film & media education, communication technology and gaming. The main issues to be discussed during the conference will be:
- Methodologies for film education and audience development in the digital era
- The role of cinémathèques in promoting film education strategies
- Integration between online and offline film literacy actions
- Cross-media educational and promotional platforms in the digital film market
More info:,
Contact: Fondazione Cineteca Italiana,