The Int’l Young Audience Film Festival AleKino! awarded a Platinum Goat to Felix Vanginderhuysen, in recognition of his long-standing contribution to the children’s film industry.
“Our wish to Felix is that our shared dreams and visions for the cinematography for young audiences in Europe and the world become reality to the highest degree possible. Thanks to Felix’s splendid work, those dreams may actually come true,” says AleKino! spokesperson Jerzy Moszkowicz.
The Platinum Goats award was initiated in 2002 to draw attention to the most important personas and phenomena in the world of young audience cinema. Felix Vanginderhuysen certainly is one of them. “He has been involved in promoting quality cinema for children and youngsters for nearly 45 years as a festival organiser, a distributor, a leader of educational projects and a jury member at numerous festivals. But first and foremost, we know him as the distinctive face of the European Children’s Film Association ECFA.” As his long-standing companion Gert Hermans stated in his laudation: “Felix launched a European network, remaining true to his ideals: ratio in balance with emotion, professionalism in balance with volunteerism, entrepreneurship in balance with engagement. Based not on competition but on cooperation and solidarity, ECFA reflects the socio-political values that Felix has been faithful to throughout his life.”
Another Platinum Goat was awarded to the ANIMOON production company for its outstanding contribution to contemporary Polish animation for children.