In the ECFA AGM “open mic” session, Florine Wiebenga (Eye, Amsterdam) gave an inspiring presentation on the Cinemini project. Now Cinemini asks for your help to complete their impressive task.
The project is in search of:
– Validated research on film education / learning strategies for 3-6 year olds.
– Short films (max. 5’) suitable for a 3-6 year old audience (non-narrative, abstract, experimental, historical or culturally diverse shorts).
– Examples of successful interactive, film-linked installations for 3-6 year olds to play and learn with.
Please send your suggestions to Florine Wiebenga.
Pre-school and kindergartens have been asking for play based projects that support development of skills and creativity of very young children. Five strong partners teamed up for the Cinemini project, supported by the MEDIA programme: DFF (Germany), Eye (The Netherlands), Kinodvor (Slovenia), Film Museum (Vienna) and Taartrovers (The Netherlands), with the aim to spark a love for film at an early age and to stimulate the development of creativity and critical thinking.
The outcome of Cinemini (to be expected in 2020) should be:
• A list of film selection criteria for 3-6 year olds.
• A film catalogue with 20 short films.
• Four prototypes of installations.
• Research, testing and evaluation with groups of children of the target age.
• Didactic and pedagogical blueprints, digital lessons and booklets, and suggestions for activities.