This year, the Cinema in Sneakers festival in Warsaw will run in two sections: a short (19 April – 30 May) and a feature film (from 24 May – 24 June) festival. But there’s a bigger plan too … a selection of films exploring the urban jungle. “With these films we want to inspire you to stimulate your imagination and to think critically about your surroundings.”
Festival producer Sonia Le Pape: “What pictures come to your mind when you hear the names of cities such as New York, London, New Delhi, Buenos Aires, Warsaw? What associations do you make? This year Cinema in Sneakers will confront its audience with a jungle that is made of tall buildings, labyrinths of streets, pavements, concrete, and glass. Under the current circumstances, this jungle in which we live is the horizon of our trips. We want to encourage young people to explore the city, discover it anew, but also to take a critical look at it. Does the place feel like truly yours? How does the space that surrounds you affect you? You can transform it and give it new meanings, you can break the pavements and explore the grass underneath!”
During the festival, several screen-bound activities will be launched, stimulating young people to explore their surroundings, the urban jungle in which they are living their everyday lives.
Furthermore the festival presents a great programme of short and feature films in and out of competition. There’s short film selections for five different age categories (4+, 6+, 9+, 12+, 14+), focusing on crucial topics:
– Me towards others
– Changes
– Relationship psychology
– Imagination, creative solutions
In the Feature Film programme, about 25 films were selected – again, with a special section that will make you dwell the city streets.
The Cinema in Sneakers festival will be available online at and, if the situation allows, at Cinema Luna (Warsaw) on weekends in May and June.
Find more info here.