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Year of Production 2012

Jelly T.

English title: Jelly T.
Original title: Gummi T.
Denmark, 2012

Director: Hegner, Michael
Production company: Crone Film
Age recommendation: 6 years and up

It´s not easy being Ivan Olsen, he is chased by the big bullies who always play the wet pants prank on him. When he comes home, his dad yells at him because he is not big and strong like Tarzan, no, Ivan is just like big Tarzan at all he is rather a jelly Tarzan!

Ivan wants his dad to be happy with him, but not until Ivan meets a witch and gets superpowers for one single day, his dad is pleased. Ivan´s dad is thrilled and brags about his son, but when Ivan´s superpowers do not disappear, Ivan learns that it is not fun at all to be so big and strong all the time. Ivan decides to find the witch and become himself again…

3D animation, based on the book “Jelly Tarzan” by Ole Lund Kirkegaard.

Marketing strategies:
Scheduled release: 16.05.2012

BUFF Malmö 2013, Tromsø CFF 2013, Kristiansand 2014

World sales address/es:
Sola Media (DE)