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Year of Production 2012

Three Heroes on Distant Shores

English title: Three Heroes on Distant Shores
Original title: Tri bogatyrya na dalnikh beregakh
German title: Drei Helden an fernen Gestaden
Russia, 2012

Director: Feoktistov, Konstantin
Production company: Melnitsa Studio
Co-producers: CTB
Age recommendation: 6 years and up
Film genre: Animation

At this time, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynia Nikitich and Ilya Muromets, thanks to the machinations of insidious Baba Yaga, get out of the seven seas on the island, where the natives live and terrible ??????. In their absence, the merchant Kolyvan decide together with Baba -Yaga take the kingdom, and the power to take away from the prince of Kiev. To help the hapless governor comes horse Julius and wife heroes and their many relatives. In short, the heroes and the audience for adventures on distant shores, the ordinary and extraordinary. (www.sanstv.ru)

“The Three Warriors on Distant Shores,” the fifth installment in the cartoon saga about the Russian “bogatyrs,” or warriors from epic poetry and folk tales whose exploits are being reimagined for the “Shrek” era since 2004.

Marketing strategies:
More than 4 million admissions in Russian cinemas during the first three months.

Website: 3bogatirya.ru

World sales address/es:
Melnitsa Studio (RUS)