Young filmmakers winter camp in Spain

KinoOstrov (St. Petersburg, Russia) has a prestigious plan for the winter season: a film camp in Tarragona, Spain, where they will organise the International Kids & Youth Film Festival ‘Gifts of the Magi’.





KinoOstrov CEO Anna Savchuk: “We are warmly inviting young cinematographers, cinema school teachers, students and their parents to join our international cinema team in the Barcelona region. Our festival is the best way for collecting new impressions, improving professional skills and extending your network. It will be a great occasion for learning, for meeting like-minded spirits from different countries, and of course it will be great fun!” All information can be found in detail here.


For the Gifts of the Magi festival, KinoOstrov is still looking for films (max. 30’) made with the participation of children or young people (3-18-years-old). All genres and themes are welcome. The application form can be found here.