Unique ‘must see’ opportunity in film literacy

The Danish Film Institute launched an open online course, a comprehensive English-language initiative aiming to globally promote film education. The freely accessible course in the form of a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is one of the first of its kind in this field.


(based on the Open Mic session at the ECFA AGM 2020)

The focus of ‘Film Education: A User’s Guide’ is on sharing experience, inspiration and knowledge, aimed at teachers, communicators, film festivals, film institutes and decision-makers in the young audience film literacy sector. “Professionals are calling for more knowledge and a higher skill level to get better at what they do. Which indicates that the interest in film appreciation is growing in Europe and elsewhere,” says Charlotte Giese, the DFI’s Special Advisor for Children & Youth. ‘Film Education: A User’s Guide’ is the result of DFI’s partnership with the British Film Institute, Vision Kino (Germany) and La Cinematheque Francaise, with support from Creative Europe, and will be followed in autumn by a series of four regional seminars across Europe.


Online course


The online course will examine how to work with film literacy, how to build a solid infrastructure for strategically enhancing the impact of the effort. Participants will be invited to read texts, watch tutorials, solve assignments and engage in dialogue. The course length is approximately 16 hours, which may be spread over four weeks. There is only a brief window to apply, from 23 March – 17 May. The course is free, in English and open to participants from around the world.


What topics will you cover?

– Rationales behind film education – why it matters

– Approaches to watching, choosing, analysing and making film

– Case study on film education with preschool children

– Practice in cinemas, festivals and archives

– National strategies and why they work

– Impact evaluation


Read more at futurelearn.com


Seminars in Europe


Alongside the online course, four seminars will be held in the autumn in Estonia, Slovenia, Hungary and Greece, in collaboration with regional partners. “The ambition of both the seminars and the course is to strengthen the framework for a long-term effort, which will have a real impact on the cultural and digital education of children and teens” Charlotte Giese says.


The course is available 23 March – 17 May 2020. Why don’t you join now?


More info: Charlotte Giese, Danish Film Institute, +45-23-32-90-30, charlotg@dfi.dk