Successor for Mike Tait at Discovery Festival

Recruitment has started to find the next producer for Discovery Film Festival – Scotland’s Int’l Film Festival For Young Audiences – following Mike Tait’s decision to step back from the role.




After 12 years and 12 festivals – including 2023’s 20th anniversary edition – Mike believes it is time for a fresh perspective at the controls. “Having steered the festival through the last couple of years in particular it’s absolutely the right moment to pass it on to new ideas, new input and – yes – new energy”.


Mike Tait has no immediate plans for what is next for him but feels it will be hard to step away from young audience cinema completely. “After over 20 years in film and film education I don’t think I’m quite ready for a return to mainstream Hollywood output just yet – I still want to engage with films on a par with Aurora Gossé’s DANCING QUEEN, Lena von Döhren & Eva Rust’s TÜMPEL (POND) and Arturo Castro Godoy’s RINOCERONTE. Not forgetting my all-time favourite feature (well, this week at least), Rémi Bezançon & Jean-Christophe Lie’s ZARAFA (2012). Tom Cruise and his blockbuster chums will just have to wait!


Mike feels immensely grateful to the ECFA network for their support over the last 12 years. “It was always very helpful – and reassuring – to hear from other festivals going through similar challenges that Discovery Film Festival was facing. With no other Scottish colleagues working with the same content or issues, it was always good to keep one ear to the ECFA grapevine and know we weren’t alone. Thank you to all my ECFA colleagues for that!

 “We’re hoping my replacement will be in post shortly and that they will be able to attend BUFF in March in person. No idea who it may be as yet but I’m hoping you’ll be as welcoming to them as you always were to me. Discovery Film Festival – onward and upward!”