ECFA and KIDS Regio, the lobby initiative for children’s film in Europe, together with its umbrella organisation Cine Regio (network of regional film funds) are making an appeal to promote film culture for young people in Europe on the occasion of the EU’s new Multi-annual Financial Framework (MFF). A petition is launched, and we ask you to read it, sign it and share it. You’ll find the petition here.
Following the guidelines of the Weimar Declaration (adopted in June 2019 by 80 experts from around Europe), this petition was drafted to support the access to film culture in general and especially for young audiences. Together with other institutions we hereby join the European Parliament in their demand to double Creative Europe’s budget in the next MFF. More concretely, we stand for specific actions and a confirmed percentage of the overall budget dedicated to young audiences within the new Creative Europe programme.
European children have the right to get access to a variety of European films, to be duly represented in film and media, and to acquire competencies in film and media literacy. Therefore, we ask you to lend us your voice and to act as multipliers of this petition. Show your support for a reinforced Creative Europe budget and the recognition of the impact of film culture on young Europeans by signing the petition and sharing it through your networks.
Sign the petition here.
Please spread the news by forwarding this email, or by sharing this Facebook post.
Your signature will offer us a stronger backbone in our talks “with Brussels” that are scheduled for the end of October. Every signature/name counts – meaning, if you sign it, you can make your colleagues sign too!
Thank you very much!
With best regards,
ECFA, KIDS Regio & Cine Regio