Nordic Filmcamp 2023 coming up

While still waiting for this year’s funding, Danish Children & Youth Film Club Foundation DaBUF is preparing another edition of the Filmcamp for young participants (aged 12-14) from Norway, Sweden, Greenland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Denmark. And you’re invited too!


DaBUF hereby invites 3 à 4 youngsters accompanied by 1 à 2 adults, from a Nordic country to join them on a one-week (3-8 July) film workshop led by professional teachers. Included in the 500 DKK participation fee are all expenses for food and hospitality, transport to the island Møn in the South of Denmark is not included.

Kirsten Østergaard Nielsen: “Last year we had a great time and learned a lot about making movies. The result was a production of three short films with impressive stories, screened in the local cinema. But the overall experience of spending time together was what stuck with us the most.”


More info: Kirsten Østergaard Nielsen (DaBUF Board Member); +45 2125 2777.