The Biennial of Animation Bratislava (BAB) – Int. Festival of Animated Films for Children is a festival with a unique tradition. Since its creation, it has served as an accompanying event of the Biennial of Illustrations Bratislava. BAB takes place every other year and found a home in BIBIANA – Int. House of Art for Children.
Animated films for children from around the world are presented in competition, with an international jury awarding multiple prizes. Not only films but also people are celebrated, with the ‘Albín Brunovský Honorary Medal’ for outstanding artistic graphic work, and the ‘Prix Klingsor’ Lifetime Achievement Award, that was already given to distinguished personalities such as Frédéric Back, Co Hoedeman, Břetislav Pojar, Michel Ocelot, Garri Bardin and – in 2016 – Jannik Hastrup. Furthermore BAB programmes retrospectives, tributes to filmmakers, a ‘Best of Annecy’ film marathon etc. Expert seminars like the BAB Forum (video conference in cooperation with the Prešov University) focus on the relationship between ‘animation and illustration’.
Dominika Petríková (International Relations Co-ordinator): “Most important is that BAB is not something that comes up just once every two years, but it’s a year round active festival. Exhibitions and a travelling collection of Slovak BAB-winning animations have been going around Europe and now will travel intensively across our country.” In 2018 BAB will visit several Slovak towns with retrospectives about the great personalities of Slovak animation with an opportunity to meet filmmakers in person. Also the work of children is represented through the workshop ‘Come and Play with Film!’ and the BAB Flipbook Contest should stimulate children’s creativity. Petríková: “Now BAB has joined ECFA. At this years 14th festival edition an ECFA Short Film Award jury will be welcomed. We are happy to be a new member of this great family!”
BAB is supported by the Slovak Ministry of Culture and – from 2018 on – the Slovak UNESCO Commission.
Contact: BAB at BIBIANA – Int. House of Art for Children,,