In June 2017 former ECFA President Céline Ravenel left her position as Ciné-Jeune’s artistic director. Now we proudly present… Axelle Munich, the new face of Ciné-Jeune.
Axelle has spent four years working in/programming cinemas in France. Now she’s ready to broaden her festival experience, organising the Ciné-Jeune de l’Aisne Festival, and other regular and unique regional projects. Axelle Munich: “We’re trying to further develop educational devices like ‘Ecole et cinéma’ and ‘Collège au cinéma’, and establish partnerships with schools or cultural centres. We also took up an Erasmus+ project, to be developed over the next months.”
Numerous events will offer festival guests a window on the cinema of today, and on the creators behind it. With six titles in competition, ‘cinépsy’ sessions, a ‘ciné-soup’ event, the children’s day and a series of workshops, the programme looks pretty packed. Munich: “We are ready to welcome several French film professionals and make them meet with our audience. Alexis Ducord, co-director of ZOMBILLENIUM presents a masterclass; Amélie van Elmbt is showing her movie DRÔLE DE PERE in preview, together with the young actor’s coach Perrine Bigot; composer Jean-Carl Feldis leads a session on movie sound effects; Alexandre Noyer comes with his ‘pins’ screen’ to introduce this original technique, etc… We’re all very excited about the upcoming festival and about meeting our audiences!”