Margret Albers new ECFA president

ECFA celebrated its Annual General Meeting with 120 members in attendance.

Chaired by Céline Ravenel, on the very last day of her presidency, the meeting looked back on a successful year, with a new communication strategy and a continuing growth in membership numbers. Looking ahead to the future, ECFA’s main goals are a new European Erasmus+ project, the further development of the ECFA Award and ECFA Doc Award and the preparation of an ECFA conference in September.

Margret Albers is ECFA’s new president

Three new board members were elected: Elisa Giovannelli (Cineteca di Bologna, Italy), Edita Bilaver Galinec (Kids Meet Art, Croatia) and Margret Albers (Förderverein Deutscher Kinderfilm, Germany). Margret Albers was also appointed as ECFA’s new president and under her presidency ECFA must take new steps towards further professionalisation.
In the picture: the new board members team up with Petra Slatinšek, Céline Ravenel, Felix Vanginderhuysen and Markéta Pášmová.
Thank you all for your numerous attendance – we were proud and delighted to welcome so many engaged friends and colleagues from all over the world!