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Festivals for Films made by Young Filmmakers

REC-Filmfestival Berlin

Berlin, Germany
17/09/2025 - 20/09/2025 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Rhythm: annual, next Festival afterwards (probably): Autumn 2026

Competitive Original Children's Film Festival
Deadline for film entries: 30/04/2024 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Programs: Films made by Young Filmmakers, Workshop for Young Filmmakers
Notes/description: REC has two sections: REC - Internationales junges Filmfestival (age 16 to 27) and REC for Kids (age 6 to 15)

REC - Internationales junges Filmfestival is a festival with an international open competition for films from youth age 16 to 27. As festival with a big international participation and with young filmmakers at the beginning of their career, it is a signpost for new topics, forms and trends. Not only the visitors benefit from that: Main focus at this festival for young talents is the possibility to receive a professional feedback and critical reflections for the screened films. Public internet-platforms like "youtube" can't provide that in this way – success here is measured in "clicks", which are only a very unprecise vote of spectators. This does not replace the personal and professional discussion on a festival.

REC-Filmfestival Berlin
Bülowstraße 90
10729 Berlin

Phone: ++49-30-633 77 239
Fax: ++49-30-530 82 171
Internet: www.rec-filmfestival.de