Festival's Type:
Original Children’s / Young People’s Film Festivals
Film Festivals with section for Children’s / Young People’s Films
Festivals for Films made by Young Filmmakers
(for more details, see you-film.net)
Festivals for Films made by Young Filmmakers
- Anibar Animation Festival, Peja
- AniFest ROZAFA– International Film Festival for Children, for Teenagers and from Students, Shkoder
- BIKY – Busan International Kids & Youth Film Festival, Busan
- Cartoon Club – International Festival of Animation Cinema and Comics, Rimini
- Chicago International Children's Film Festival, Chicago
- Children Cinema Awards, Amsterdam (Place of Award Ceremony 2022)
- Children's Film Academy: Cinemira – Budapest International Children’s Film Festival, Budapest
- Cinemagic - International Film & Television Festival for Children and Young People, Belfast, Northern Ireland
- Corti a Ponte International Short Film festival – BY 3.20 section, Ponte San Nicolò (Padova)
- Dubrovnik Film Festival – European Childrens Film Festival, Dubrovnik
- Dytiatko - Int. Children's Media Festival, Kharkiv
- Enimation Festival, Maribor
- Fest – New Directors | New Films Festival, Espinho
- Festival Internacional de Cine Infantil de Valencia, Valencia
- Filmkorte, Flensburg
- FiSHground Baltic Area at FiSH Filmfestival im StadtHafen, Rostock
- Four River Film Festival, Karlovac
- Freeze Frame – International Film Festival for Kids of All Ages, Winnipeg MB R3B 1G7
- Fresh Film Festival, Limerick City
- FUSE – Film Under Sever Experiment, Karlovac
- Independent Days Karlsruhe, New Date: Oct. 21st to 25th 2020, Karlsruhe
- IndieJunior Allianz, Porto
- Int. Short Film Festival Hamburg; Children's Film Festival "Mo & Friese", Hamburg
- International Film Festival Kinotrip – By the Youth, for the Youth, Ljubljana
- International Filmworkshop "One Take", Leba
- International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, Oberhausen
- International Youth Film Festival “Plasencia Encorto”, Plasencia
- Kidz Cinema, Mumbai and online
- Kinolub Int. Film Festival for Children and Youth, Rzeszow and other cities in Southern Poland
- Kristiansand International Children's Film Festival (KICFF), Kristiansand
- Leeds Young Film Festival, Leeds
- MICE - Mostra International Cinema Educatu, Valencia
- Monstrale, Halle/Saale
- NUFF - Nordic Youth Film Festival, Tromsø
- Olympia International Film Festival for Children and Young People, Pyrgos and Amaliada
- Plural + Youth Video Festival, New York
- Providence Children's Film Festival, Providence, Rhode Island - USA
- REC-Filmfestival Berlin, Berlin
- Reel 2 Real – International Film Festival for Youth, Vancouver, Canada
- San Diego International Kids' Film Festival, San Diego
- Sehsüchte – International Student Filmfestival of Konrad Wolff Film and Television University, Potsdam
- Smile International Film Festival, New Delhi and other places in India
- Sottodiciotto Filmfestival (Under 18), Torino
- Stockholm International Film Festival Junior, Stockholm
- Timeline Filmfestival, Carate Brianza
- Uelzener Filmtage, Niedersächsisches Schüler- und Jugendfilmfestival, Uelzen
- up-and-coming Int. Film Festival Hannover, Hannover
- VAFI & RAFI – International Children and Youth Animation Film Festival, Varaždin and Rijeka
- Werkstatt der Jungen Filmszene / Workshop for the Young Film Scene, Wiesbaden-Naurod
- Youki – International Youth Film Festival, Wels
- Young Film Fest, Praha
- Zoomz – Festival für Kinder- und Jugendfilm, Luzern
London International Film Festival
London, Great Britain
09/10/2024 - 20/10/2024 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Rhythm: annual, next Festival afterwards (probably): October/November 2025
Children's Film Section
Director/s: Sandra Hebron; Children's section: Justin Johnson
Prizes: none (in the section for children and young audiences)
Deadline for film entries: 24/05/2024 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Programs: Features, Shorts, Animations, Documentaries
Number of films (app.): 6 to 10
Festival's guests: Directors
Festival's recognition: international
Media coverage: international
Notes/description: Justin Johnson, Programme Advisor - Young Audiences
This festival is a member of 
British Film Institute, National Film Theatre / S. Lutton
South Bank
GB- London SE1 8XT
Great Britain
Phone: ++44 207 928 3535
Fax: ++44 207 620 1214
Internet: www.bfi.org.uk/lff