- Belmont World Film: Family Film Festival, Cambridge, Belmont, and Arlington
- Buster - Copenhagen International Film Festival for Children and Youth, Copenhagen
- Discovery – Scotland's International Film Festival for Young Audiences, Dundee
- DOK Leipzig – International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film, Leipzig
- Dresdner Kinderfilmfest Kinolino, Dresden
- Edinburgh International Film Festival, Edinburgh
- Espoo Ciné Junior Film Festival, Espoo
- Festival Internacional du Premier Film, Annonay
- Festival International du Film de La Rochelle, La Rochelle
- Filmfest Hamburg, Children's and Youth Film Festival "Michel", Hamburg
- FilmFestival Cottbus (Festival des Osteuropäischen Films), Cottbus
- Galway Film Fleadh / Junior Film Fleadh, Galway
- Glasgow Youth Film Festival, Glasgow
- IFI Family Festival, Dublin
- International Film Festival Kinotrip – By the Youth, for the Youth, Ljubljana
- International Filmfestival Mannheim-Heidelberg, Mannheim & Heidelberg
- KinderKinoFest Duesseldorf, Duesseldorf
- Locarno Film Festival: Locarno Kids, Locarno
- Nelson Mandela Children’s Film Festival, Johannesburg
- Riga International Film Festival, Riga
- Sarajevo Film Festival, Sarajewo
- SehPferdchen - Kinderfilmfest Hannover, Hannover & Burgdorf & Wunstorf
- Sottodiciotto Filmfestival (Under 18), Torino
- Stockholm International Film Festival Junior, Stockholm
- The Norwegian International Filmfestival / "Cinemagi", Haugesund
- Thessaloniki International Documentary Film Festival, Thessaloniki
- Thessaloniki International Film Festival, Thessaloniki
- TIFF Junior – Tromsø Children's Film Festival, Tromsø
- Transilvania International Film Festival, Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu, Mures
- Universal Kids Film Festival, Tuzla / Istanbul
- Zagreb Film Festival, Zagreb
- Zoomz – Festival für Kinder- und Jugendfilm, Luzern
- Zurich Film Festival, Zürich, Switzerland
Belmont World Film: Family Film Festival
Cambridge, Belmont, and Arlington, USA
18/01/2025 - 26/01/2025 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Rhythm: annual, next Festival afterwards (probably): January 2026
Non-Competitive Original Children's Film Festival
Director/s: Gitelman, Ellen
Programs: Features, Shorts, Animations
Number of films (app.): 30
Number of spectators (app.): 2500
Festival's recognition: national
Media coverage: national
Notes/description: Four day festival of animated and live action films for children from
around the world with occasional workshops. Other events throughout the year.
Belmont World Film
19 Raynor Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: ++1-617-484-3980
Fax: ++1-617-848-8950