Festival's Type:
Original Children’s / Young People’s Film Festivals
Film Festivals with section for Children’s / Young People’s Films
Original Children’s / Young People’s Film Festival
- "Zero Plus" International Children's and Youth Film Festival, Tyumen & Tobolsk Cities (Siberia)
- AniFest ROZAFA– International Film Festival for Children, for Teenagers and from Students, Shkoder
- Animateka International Animation Film Festival, Ljubljana * Maribor
- ANIMOK, Viborg International Animation Festival for Children and Youth, Viborg
- Athens International Children's Film Festival, Athens
- Belmont World Film: Family Film Festival, Cambridge, Belmont, and Arlington
- Bielefelder Kinder- und Jugendfilmfest, Bielefeld
- BIKY – Busan International Kids & Youth Film Festival, Busan
- BUFF Filmfestival, Malmö
- Cactus International Children's & Youth Film Festival, Aosta
- Carrousel International du Film – Festival international de cinéma jeunesse de Rimouski, Rimouski, Canada
- Castellinaria Festival del cinema giovane, Bellinzona
- Chicago International Children's Film Festival, Chicago
- Children Film Festival - Cine Junior, Val-de-Marne and Île-de-France
- Children Kinofest, 20 cities in Ukraine
- Children's Film Academy: Cinemira – Budapest International Children’s Film Festival, Budapest
- Children's Film Festival Seattle, Seattle
- Cine-Jeune – Festival International de Cinéma, Braine, Saint Quentin & Department of Aisne
- Cinedu – IFF For Children and Youth, Nove mesto nad Vahom
- Cinekid - International Film, Television and New Media Festival for Children and Young People, Amsterdam
- Doxs! - Documentaries for Children and Young People / Duisburger Filmwoche, Duisburg
- Dresdner Kinderfilmfest Kinolino, Dresden
- Dubrovnik Film Festival – European Childrens Film Festival, Dubrovnik
- Dytiatko - Int. Children's Media Festival, Kharkiv
- Festival du Cinema Jeune Public, Lausanne
- Festival Internacional de Cine Infantil de Valencia, Valencia
- Filem'On – Brussels Children's Film Festival, Brussels & Ghent
- Freeze Frame – International Film Festival for Kids of All Ages, Winnipeg MB R3B 1G7
- Galway Film Fleadh / Junior Film Fleadh, Galway
- Giffoni Film Festival, Giffoni Valle Piana, Salerno
- Goldener Spatz, Deutsches Kinder-Medien-Festival at Erfurt & Gera, Erfurt & Gera
- IFI Family Festival, Dublin
- IndieJunior Allianz, Porto
- Int. Documentary Filmfestival Amsterdam IDFA, Amsterdam
- International Film Festival for Children and Youth, Yerevan, Armenia
- International Film Festival for Children and Youth Ojo de Pescado, Valparaíso
- International Film Festival Kinotrip – By the Youth, for the Youth, Ljubljana
- International Young Audience Film Festival Ale Kino!, Poznan
- JEF – Europees Jeugdfilmfestival Vlaanderen, Antwerp, Bruges, Ghent, Courtrai, Strombeek-bever
- Junges Filmfestival Köln Cinepaenz, Cologne
- JuniorFest - International Festival for Children and Youth, Plzen, Dobrany, Horsovsky Tyn, Prestice, Domazlice, Czech Republic
- Kidz Cinema, Mumbai and online
- KiKiFe Kinderkinofest Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schwaebisch Gmuend
- KinderDocs – International Documentary Festival for Children and Young People, Athens and Thessaloniki
- KinderFilmFest Münster, Münster
- Kinderfilmtage im Ruhrgebiet; Essen, Mülheim, Oberhausen, Essen, Mülheim, Oberhausen
- KinderKinoFest Duesseldorf, Duesseldorf
- Kineko International Children's Film Festival Tokyo, Tokyo
- Kinolub Int. Film Festival for Children and Youth, Rzeszow and other cities in Southern Poland
- Kristiansand International Children's Film Festival (KICFF), Kristiansand
- La Matatena Festival Internacional de Cine para Niños, Ciudad de México
- Leeds Young Film Festival, Leeds
- Lucas – Int. Festival for Young Film Lovers, Frankfurt/M.
- Mon Premier Festival, Paris
- Monstrale, Halle/Saale
- Montreal International Children's Film Festival (FIFEM), Montréal (Québec)
- My First Festival – El Meu Primer Festival, Barcelona and Madrid
- Nelson Mandela Children’s Film Festival, Johannesburg
- New York International Children's Film Festival, New York
- Olympia International Film Festival for Children and Young People, Pyrgos and Amaliada
- Oulu International Children's and Youth Film Festival, Oulu
- Piccolo Grande Cinema, Milano
- Plein la Bobine – Sancy Film Festival for Young People, Issoire & La Bourboule
- Prix Jeunesse International - Kinder- und Jugendfernsehfestival: Online this Year!, München
- Providence Children's Film Festival, Providence, Rhode Island - USA
- Reel 2 Real – International Film Festival for Youth, Vancouver, Canada
- Salam – International Children and Youth Film Festival, Baku
- San Diego International Kids' Film Festival, San Diego
- Schlingel – International Film Festival for Children and Young Audience, Chemnitz
- SehPferdchen - Kinderfilmfest Hannover, Hannover & Burgdorf & Wunstorf
- Smile International Film Festival, New Delhi and other places in India
- Sottodiciotto Filmfestival (Under 18), Torino
- Stockholm International Film Festival Junior, Stockholm
- Stuttgarter Kinderfilmtage, Stuttgart
- Taartrovers Film Festival, Groningen, Amsterdam, Eindhoven and others
- Taiwan International Children's Film Festival (TICFF), Taipei
- Taoba International Youth Film Festival, Tbilisi
- Tel Aviv International Children's Film Festival (TAICFF), Tel Aviv
- TIFF Junior – Tromsø Children's Film Festival, Tromsø
- Torino Film Festival, Torino
- Uelzener Filmtage, Niedersächsisches Schüler- und Jugendfilmfestival, Uelzen
- Universal Kids Film Festival, Tuzla / Istanbul
- VAFI & RAFI – International Children and Youth Animation Film Festival, Varaždin and Rijeka
- Vienna International Children's Film Festival, Wien/Vienna
- Young Horizons International Film Festival, Warsaw, Wroclaw, Pozna?, and almost 20 other towns and cities
- Youngabout - International Film Festival for Young People, Bologna
- Zlín Film Festival, International Festival for Children and Youth, Zlín
- Zoomz – Festival für Kinder- und Jugendfilm, Luzern
Kidz Cinema
Mumbai and online, India
08/11/2024 - 07/12/2024 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Rhythm: annual, next Festival afterwards (probably): Late 2025
Competitive Original Children's Film Festival
Director/s: Nagda, Praveen (festival director)
Prizes: Gaja awards (Gold, Silver, Bronze) decided by an adult jury, Special Awards for Short Films decided by a Young Jury. Furthermore: Digital Plaques and E-citations.
Deadline for film entries: 15/11/2023 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Programs: Films made by Young Filmmakers, Features, Shorts, Animations, Workshop for Young Filmmakers
Notes/description: The festival kidzCINEMA was founded in 2020. In 2023 this international children’s film festival will commence on the Universal Children's Day, which is celebrated on 20th November each year to promote international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and improving children's welfare. Filmmakers from across the globe can submit entries.
Kidz Cinema
416, Mohid Heights, RTO Lane, Andheri (West)
Mumbai, 400053
Phone: ++91 987-003-7766 or +91 9769733007
Internet: www.kidzcinema.in