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Original Children’s / Young People’s Film Festival

Corti a Ponte International Short Film festival – BY 3.20 section

Ponte San Nicolò (Padova), Italy
05/05/2025 - 17/05/2025 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Rhythm: annual, next Festival afterwards (probably): Spring 2026

Competitive Children's Film Section
Director/s: Raffaella Traniello (responsible for the children's film section)
Deadline for film entries: 10/10/2024 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Programs: Films made by Young Filmmakers, Shorts, Animations
Festival's recognition: international
Media coverage: local, national, regional
Notes/description: The BY3.20 section will have a program of films made by children and youth divided by age group: 3-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14-20. Films will be screened in front of an audience of the same age. Films will be judged by Junior Juries, Senior Juries, Special Juries and will receive an audience award.
The festival website will collect some articles about film critics written by students, expressing their ideas about the festival films.
Goals of the festival is film education of young people and social development through sharing art. It was founded in 2008. The 2022 edition will be held in an hybrid format both in a theater and on-line.

Corti a Ponte
via Wagner 42
35020 Ponte San Nicolò (Padova)

Phone: ++39 049 8961930
Internet: www.cortiaponte.it