Are any topics off limits in youth films?
Tallinn Black Nights’ biggest sub festival, the Youth & Children’s Film Festival Just Film is celebrating its 20th edition. Additionally to the cinema and online screenings and a Work in Progress presentation, on November 26th the festival presents a virtual discussion panel about boundaries for young audiences on the cinema screen. Which content do we choose to show them, should it be regulated, and if so, by whom? The panel goes live via the Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event online platform.
At film festivals controversial films raise questions – which audience should be allowed to see which title, and with or without age restrictions? Boundaries have shifted as content platforms are getting more accessible – cinemas, festivals, TV, streaming platforms and the Internet. In some countries the limiting of visual content is not specifically regulated, yet in other countries it is. On this occasion, the panel we will raise some important questions, like
- What are the limitations for youth films nowadays?
- Are certain topics off limits?
- Is ‘suitability for children and youth’ essentially a matter of opinion, depending upon a person’s expectations and definitions of childhood?
- How important is cultural pretext in defining youth film?

The panel is based on 50 OR TWO WHALES MEET ON THE BEACH, a film by Jorge Cuchi with an 18+ age restriction in this year’s Just Film Festival programme.
In the panel are Jorge Cuchi (director 50 OR TWO WHALES MEET ON THE BEACH), Maciej Jakubczyk (Head of the Education Department at the New Horizons Association, Kids Kino.Lab) and Kätriin Helena Huttunen (student, representing the target audience). The panel is moderated by Per Eriksson (Swedish Federation of Film Societies/ECFA), and is organised in cooperation with the Just Film Festival and ECFA.
* The panel goes live on November 26th at 16.00 CET as part of the Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event online event series. Link to the panel.
Open panels and masterclasses are available for streaming afterwards.
* To take part in Just Film’s panel and other fascinating industry discussions and masterclasses please contact Riina Ries and CC Kart Vainola . More info about the accreditation can be found here.
* All info and industry event schedule can be found here.