CEE Animation is the spokesperson for the animation industry in Central and East European countries. Their year-round activities include various formats: the Forum, the Workshop, CEE Talents, CEE Experience, Rise & Shine… Now a new format is about to be launched.
The Animation HUB is an online platform that facilitates viewers’ access to European animated film productions. Animation HUB builds a functional online film catalogue by locating the films on different platforms and once registered you can find shorts and features. With the aim of collecting the biggest library of European animation, in the near future also series will come online.
CEE Animation Experience is a series of masterclasses organised in cooperation with selected partners in the CEE region. These sessions present current trends, case studies and strategies to animation professionals, young talent and students. Upcoming topics will include a masterclass by Jelena Popovic, a case study on the international sales of the feature animation THE WEBSTERS and a focus on green filmmaking for stop motion films. “Sharing both positive and negative experiences is the best way to improve your own production. Everyone is interested in avoiding mistakes and emulating successful solutions,” explains coordinator Maria Motovska. “All activities of our CEE Animation platform lead to increasing filmmakers ́ skills and improving the quality of animated projects in the CEE region.” All webinar sessions from 2022/2023 can be found on CEEA’s website; older sessions can be consulted in the archive.