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Year of Production 1998

Babar - König der Elefanten

English title: Babar - König der Elefanten
Original title: Babar - König der Elefanten
German title: Babar - König der Elefanten
France/Germany, 1998

Director: Kaminski, Albert H.
Production company: TV Loonland
Age recommendation: 6 years and up

The famous comic- and TV-series-character Babar goes cinema. Baby elephant Babar lost his parents in the jungle. To survive he escapes to the town and finds shelter at the house of a friendly old lady. Here Babar grows up and learns like a human being. Some years later Babar returns to the jungle where he manages to make peace between the rhinozerusses and the elephants. For his wisdom Babar is elected as the king of the elephants and soon his dreams comes true: A town where all the elephants live together without any violence, where family and friendships are the most important values in life.

The film appears a little old-fashioned - in the best meaning of the word! The story is simple, the animation does not need any special effects to impress. Best entertainment especially for the youngest ones between 4 and seven years old. 52.000 admissions in Germany.

Marketing strategies:
11.000 admissions in Switzerland (www.procinema.ch)

Gera 99, Poznan 2000

World sales address/es:

Sold to:
Stamm (CH)
Filmladen (AT)
Eurozoom (F)
Columbia Tristar (I)