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Kiem Holijanda

Original title: Kiem Holijanda
Netherlands, 2017, 14 min.

Director: Sarah Veltmeyer
Production company:
Arie Biemondstraat 111 (LAB111)
1054 PD Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Phone +31.20.8204940

Co-producers: Netherlands Film Fund
Age recommendation: 14 years and up
Film genre: Feature film

Stray dogs drift through the streets. In a desolate village in Kosovo, 13-year-old Andi sells milk he’s bottled himself. He’s skimming a bit off the top of the family earnings in order to save up for a cell phone of his own. His older brother Florist harbors an entirely different dream, one which his family has no idea about. With a sensitive touch, the director tells the story of a brotherly bond and of defiant routes driven by strong yearnings

Marketing strategies:
World sales:
Some Shorts
Wouter Jansen
St Annastraat 149
6524 ER Nijmegen
the Netherlands
+31 (0)6 22076717

Berlinale Generation 2018 (awarded)