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English Titles G

Giraffe under the Rain, The

Original title: Une Girafe sous la pluie
German title: Eine Giraffe im Regen
France, Belgium, 2007, 13 min., no dialogue

Director: Pascale Hecquet
Production company:
500 rue de Gembloux, bat. 23
5002 Namur (Belgique)
+32(0) 81 73 97 20
+32 81 73 97 20

Age recommendation: 6 years and up
Film genre: Animation

In Djambali, all the water is used to fill the Lion King's luxurious swimming pool. A daredevil giraffe thinks that someone should put an end to this situation. Her acts will have serious consequences: she is expelled from her country..

Marketing strategies:
world sales

Interntional Short Film Festival of Montecatini Terme (Italy) 2008 (awarded)
Sapporo International Short Film Festival and Market (Japan) 2008 (awarded)
DaKino International Film Festival. 2007 (awarded)

Study guide: French

Study guide: German

Video: Trailer

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