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International Festival of Animated Films (ITFS), Section "Tricks for Kids"

Stuttgart, Germany
06/05/2025 - 11/05/2025 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Rhythm: annual, next Festival afterwards (probably): April/May 2026

Competitive Children's Film Section
Director/s: Richter, Annegret / Mozer, Heike
Prizes: Several awards, one especially for children's films (2004: 4.000 Euros)
Deadline for film entries: 01/02/2025 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Programs: Animations
Festival's guests: Directors, Producers, Distributors, Others
Festival's recognition: international
Media coverage: international
Special Events: In 2018: 25th anniversary of the festival!
Notes/description: Special section with animation films for children.

Film- & Medienfestival GmbH
Schloßstraße 84
D-70176 Stuttgart

Phone: ++49-711-92546100
Fax: ++49-711-92546150
Internet: www.itfs.de