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The Next 20 Festivals

Festival de Cinéma d'Alès Itinerances

Alès, France
21/03/2025 - 30/03/2025 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Rhythm: annual, next Festival afterwards (probably): March 2026

Competitive Children's Film Section
Director/s: Antoine Leclerc
Prizes: Competitive Short Film Section: Grand Prix, Jury-Special-Price, public price
Deadline for film entries: 30/11/2024 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Programs: Shorts, Documentaries, Features
Number of films (app.): 200
Age of audience: 3 to 18 (in the children's section)
Number of spectators (app.): 45000
Festival's guests: Directors
Festival's recognition: national
Media coverage: national
Notes/description: A special programme is dedicated to children and young people (from 3 to 18 years old). School classes from all over France (8.000 children) come to the screenings. Several hundreds attend workshops (film critic, meetings, discussions).

Pôle Culturel et Scientifique
155, faubourg de Rochebelle
F-30100 Alès

Phone: ++33-466-30 24 26
Fax: ++33-466-56 87 24
Internet: www.itinerances.org