The Next 20 Festivals
- Buster - Copenhagen International Film Festival for Children and Youth, Copenhagen
- Kinderfilmtage im Ruhrgebiet; Essen, Mülheim, Oberhausen, Essen, Mülheim, Oberhausen
- Cinedu – IFF For Children and Youth, Nove mesto nad Vahom
- Schlingel – International Film Festival for Children and Young Audience, Chemnitz
- Filmfest Hamburg, Children's and Youth Film Festival "Michel", Hamburg
- Reykjavik International Film Festival, Reykjavik
- Young Horizons International Film Festival, Warsaw, Wroclaw, Pozna?, and almost 20 other towns and cities
- "Zero Plus" International Children's and Youth Film Festival, Tyumen & Tobolsk Cities (Siberia)
- Festival Internacional de Cine Infantil de Valencia, Valencia
- Cinemagic - International Film & Television Festival for Children and Young People, Belfast, Northern Ireland
- Unabhängiges FilmFest / Independent FilmFest, Osnabrück
- Dresdner Kinderfilmfest Kinolino, Dresden
- Junges Filmfestival Köln Cinepaenz, Cologne
- Lucas – Int. Festival for Young Film Lovers, Frankfurt/M.
- International Festival of Animated Films for Children, Bratislava
- London International Film Festival, London
- Children's Cinema Festival of Florianópolis, Florianópolis
- Kasseler Kinder- & Jugendfilmfest, Kassel
- MilanoFilmFestival, Milano
- Bielefelder Kinder- und Jugendfilmfest, Bielefeld
Independent Days Karlsruhe, New Date: Oct. 21st to 25th 2020
Karlsruhe, Germany
10/04/2024 - 14/04/2024 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Rhythm: annual, next Festival afterwards (probably): 2025
Director/s: Langewitz, Oliver
Prizes: Low- & No-Budget-Awards, 1.000.- €
Deadline for film entries: 30/11/2023 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Programs: Films made by Young Filmmakers
Notes/description: Independent Days Karlsruhe do "not have specific guidelines regarding running time, genre or format. However, the production costs of the films must not exceed 2.500 Euro per minute of running time."
Independent Days Karlsruhe e.V.
Alter Schlachthof 17c
76131 Karlsruhe
Phone: ++49-721-9338005
Fax: ++49-721-3352082