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Mandarin Tree, The

Original title: Mandalina Agaci
Germany, Turkey, 2017, 18 min.

Director: Cengiz Akaygün
Production company:
Johannisstraße 47
50668 Köln
Phone: +49 . (0)221 . 99 20 67 75

Age recommendation: 16 years and up
Film genre: Feature film

The father of little Sirin is arrested for political reasons. When the girl is finally allowed to visit him in prison, the guards confiscate her drawing of a bird, taking it as a symbol of anarchism. Sirin is devastated, but her dad encourages her to cultivate the freedom of thought. Next time Sirin draws an “innocent” mandarin tree.

International Young Audience Film Festival Ale Kino! 2018 (awarded)
Schlingel 2018 (awarded)