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Broken Hill Blues

Original title: Ömheten
German title: Broken Hill Blues *
Sweden, 2013

Director: Norlin, Sofia
Production company: Digital Filmmakers AB
Co-producers: Filmpool Nord
Age recommendation: 14 years and up

In Northern Sweden, a small community built around a mine. From the winter cold to summer greenery, some teenagers, about to take the leap in the adultage, fight with themselves and the world around them, learning to live, love and dream – while the city also is in a time of change, forced to move due to the explosions mining the ground.

Stockholm 2013, Berlin Generation 2014, Stockholm Junior 2014, Zlin 2014, Giffoni 2014, Olympia Pyrgos 2014, Giffoni Macedonia 2015

World sales address/es:
Yellow Affair (SF)

Sold to:
NonStop Entertainment (S)