English Titles S
- S.O.S. – Summer of Suspense, Norway, 2008
- Saimir, Italy, 2004
- Salvatore – That's Life, Italy, 2006
- Same Same but Different, Germany, 2009
- Sami Blood, Sweden, 2016
- Sami, Joe and I, Switzerland, 2020
- Samia, France, 2000
- Samia – Little Dreamer, Italy, Germany, 2024
- Sammy's Adventures 2: Escape from Paradise, Belgium, 2012
- Sammy's Adventures: The Secret Passage, Belgium, 2010
- Sams im Glück, Germany, 2012
- SamSam, France, Belgium, 2019
- Sanctuary, Sweden, Finland, 2013
- Sanctuary, Germany, 2015
- Sandor Slash Ida, Sweden, 2004
- Santa Swap - Merry Christmas Mr. Andersen, Norway, 2016
- Santa's Apprentice, France, Australia, Ireland, 2010
- Sapphire Blue, Germany, 2014
- Savage, Sweden, 2010
- Savages, Switzerland, France, Belgium, 2024
- Save the Tree, Spain, 2021
- Saxana: The Little Witch on the Broomstick, Czech Republic/Germany, 2010
- Say Something, Sweden, 2016
- Scars, Norway/Sweden, 2001
- Scars of Ali Boulala, The, Sweden, Norway, 2021
- Scary House, The, Austria, 2020
- Scent of Oranges, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovak Republic, 2019
- Schatzritter*, Germany, Luxembourg, 2012
- Scheme, Kazakhstan, 2022
- Scheme Birds, Sweden, Great Britain, 2019
- Schizo, Russia, Kazakhstan, France, Germany, 2004
- Schoenefeld Boulevard, Germany, 2014
- School Garden, Netherlands, 2020
- School is Over, Switzerland, 2010
- School Number 3, Ukraine, Germany, 2017
- School of Babel, France, 2013
- School of Life, France, 2017
- School of Magical Animals 2, The, Germany, Austria, 2022
- School of Magical Animals 3, The, Germany, Austria, 2024
- School of Magical Animals, The, Germany, Austria, 2021
- School Society, France, 2022
- School's Out, France, 2018
- Schoolgirls, Spain, 2020
- Science Fiction, Belgium, 2002
- Scouting Book for Boys, The, Great Britain, 2009
- Scrapper, Great Britain, 2023
- Scrapwood War, Netherlands, 2014
- Scratch, Denmark, 2003
- Screwed, Finland, 2017
- Sea of Silence, NL, B, DK, Germany, 2003
- Sea Sparkle, Belgium, Netherlands, 2023
- Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle, Great Britain, 2007
- Sebbe, Sweden, 2009
- Secret Book of Nicolas, The, Netherlands, 2009
- Secret Book of Nicolas, The, Netherlands, 2010
- Secret Garden, The, Great Britain, 2020
- Secret Letter, The, Netherlands, 2010
- Secret of Fern Flowers, The, Poland, 2004
- Secret of Moonacre, The, Great Britain, Hungary, 2008
- Secret of Mr. M., The, Czech Republic, 2023
- Secret of the Two-headed Dragon, The, Czech Republic, 2018
- Secret Society of Souptown, Estonia, Finland, 2015
- Secret, The, Denmark, 2012
- Secrets of War, Netherlands, Belgium, 2014
- See You, Italy, 1999
- Seed, The, Germany, 2021
- Seekers, The: Thrill Night, Denmark, 2021
- Selfish Giant, The, Great Britain, 2013
- Selma and Johanna, Sweden, 1997
- Send more Candy, Denmark, 2001
- Sentries of the Delta, The, Romania, 2021
- Sentries, The, Romania, 2018
- Sepideh – Reaching for the Stars, Denmark, 2013
- September says, IrelandGreat Britain, Germany, 2024
- Sergeant Pepper, Germany, 2004
- Serko, France, 2005
- Seven Little Brothers, The , Germany/ USA/ HU, 1995
- Seven of Daran, The – The Battle of Pareo Rock, Netherlands, 2008
- Seven Ravens, The, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, 2015
- Seven Winters in Tehran, Germany, 2023
- Sevencolored Flower, Russia, 2014
- Seventeen, Austria, 2017
- Seventh Grade, Norway, 2019
- Seventh Raven, The, Germany, 2011
- Sgt. Stubby – An American Hero (aka: Sgt. Stubby: An Unlikely Hero), Ireland, Great Britain, France, Canada, USA, 2018
- Shabu, Netherlands, 2021
- Shadow Game, Netherlands, 2021
- Shamer's Daughter II, The: The Serpent Gift, Denmark, 2019
- Shamer's Daughter, The, Denmark, Norway, Czech Republic, Iceland, Sweden, Finland, 2015
- Shana – The Wolf's Music, Switzerland, Canada, 2014
- She Monkeys, Sweden, 2010
- She – Hero (Mimi), Slovak Republic, 2023
- Shed No Tears, Sweden, 2013
- Sheep and Wolves, Russia, 2016
- Sheep and Wolves: Pig Deal, Russia, 2018
- Shéhérazade, France, 2018
- Shell, Great Britain, 2012
- Shelter, Bulgaria, 2010
- Sherdil, Sweden, 1999
- Shifting the Blame, Germany, 2012
- Shine Of Rainbows, A, Ireland, Canada, 2008
- Shiverstone Castle, Germany, 2016
- Shiverstone Castle 2, Germany, 2017
- Short Cut, Czech Republic, 2018
- Short Cut, Italy, 2020
- Short Skin, Italy, 2014
- Shorty and the Legend of the Enchanted Reef, Germany, 2021
- Sica, Spain, 2023
- Sicilian Ghost Story, Italy, France, Switzerland, 2017
- Sick of myself, Norway, Sweden, 2022
- Sickos, Netherlands, 2013
- Side by Side, Great Britain, 2013
- Sihja, the Rebel Fairy, Finland, The Netherlands, 2020
- Silence, The, Slovak Republic, 2005
- Silent Revolution, The, Germany, 2018
- Silent Roar, Great Britain, 2023
- Silent Trees, Denmark, Germany, Poland, 2024
- Silly's Sweet Summer, Germany, 2007
- Silvana, Sweden, 2017
- Silver and the Book of Dreams, Germany, 2023
- Silver Forest, Switzerland, 2011
- Silverstar, Netherlands, 2021
- Simple Simon, Sweden, 2010
- Simply Nina, Germany, 2022
- Sindbad - Pirates of the Seven Storms, Russia, 2016
- Sing Street, Ireland, Great Britain, USA, 2016
- Single by Contract / Groupies Never Stay for Breakfast, Germany, 2010
- Siren, The, Germany, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, 2023
- Sirga, die Löwin, France, 1996
- Sirocco and the Kingdom of Winds, Belgium, France, 2023
- Sister, Switzerland/France, 2012
- Sister, Bulgaria, Qatar, 2019
- Sister Queens, Germany, 2024
- Sister, The (aka: My Little Sister), Russia, 2019
- Sister, What Grows Where Land is Sick?, Norway, 2022
- Sisterhood, France, Morocco, 2023
- Sisterhood, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, 2021
- Sisters, Russia, 2001
- Sisters, Latvia, Italy, 2022
- Sisters –– The Summer We Found Our Superpowers, Norway, 2020
- Sitting Next to Zoe, Switzerland, 2013
- Siv Sleeps Astray, Sweden, Netherlands, 2016
- Sivas, Turkey, Germany, 2014
- Six Weeks, Hungary, 2022
- Sixteen, Great Britain, 2013
- Sixteen, France, Belgium, 2022
- Skatergirls – Get Up, Germany, 2023
- Skellig, Great Britain, 2008
- Sket, Great Britain, 2011
- Skill Issue, Germany, Switzerland, 2024
- Skin, Netherlands, 2008
- Skippers of the Chameleon, Netherlands, 2003
- Skirt Day, France, 2009
- Skunk, Belgium, Netherlands, 2023
- Sky Master, Denmark, 2006
- Sky Palace, Iceland/ Germany/ Denmark, 1995
- Skymaster, A Flying Family Fairytale, Denmark, 2006
- Skyscraper, Denmark, 2011
- Slalom, France, 2020
- Slam – Everything for the Girl, Italy, 2016
- Sleeping Beast, The, Estonia, 2022
- Sleeping Beauty, Germany, 2008
- Sleeping City, The, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, 2021
- Slum Symphony, A – Allegro Crescendo, Italy, 2010
- Slurb, The , Germany, 2001
- Small Country: An African Childhood, France, Belgium, 2020
- Small Creatures (aka Nowhere Fast), Great Britain, 2011
- Small Pilgrimage, A, Finland, 1999
- Small Sea, Italy, 2009
- Smart Family, The, Netherlands, 2017
- Smell of Burnt Milk, Germany, 2024
- Smile in the Eye, The, Norway, 2002
- Snackbar, Netherlands, 2012
- Sniff the Dog, Netherlands, 2008
- Snot and Splash: The Mystery of Disappearing Holes, Finland, 2023
- Snotty Boy, Austria, Germany, 2021
- Snow, Bosnia & Herzegovina/Germany/France/Iran, 2008
- Snow Dragon, The, Czech Republic, 2012
- Snow Pirates, Turkey, 2015
- Snow Queen 2, The, Russia, 2014
- Snow Queen 3, The: Fire and Ice, Russia, 2016
- Snow Queen 4, The: Mirrorlands, Russia, 2018
- Snow Queen, The, Germany, Finland, 2014
- Snow Queen, The, Russia, 2012
- Snow Queen, The, Russia, 2012
- Snow White and the Magic of the Dwarfs, Germany, Czech Republic, 2019
- Snowflake – The White Gorilla, Spain, 2011
- Snowflake – The White Gorilla, Spain, 2011
- So Damn Easy Going, Sweden, 2022
- So Long, France, 2024
- Social Suicide, Great Britain, 2015
- Softie, France, 2021
- Some Dogs Bite, Great Britain, 2010
- Someone like Hodder, Denmark, 2002
- Somers Town, Great Britain, 2008
- Somersaults without Wings, Turkey, 2010
- Something Better to Come, Denmark, Poland, Russia, 2014
- Something Must Break, Sweden, 2014
- Son of Rambow, Great Britain, France, Germany, 2006
- Son of Sofia, Greece, Bulgaria, France, 2017
- Sonata, Poland, 2021
- Song of the Sea, Ireland, Luxembourg, Denmark, Belgium, 2014
- Songs for Alexis, Denmark, 2014
- Sonita, Germany, Iran, Switzerland, 2015
- Sonja, Germany, 2006
- Sophie's Misfortunes, France, 2016
- Sophie's World, Norway, 1999
- Sorcerer's Apprentice, The, Germany, 2017
- Soul Kids, France, 2021
- Soul of a Beast, Switzerland, 2021
- Soundtrack to Sixteen, Great Britain, 2020
- South is Nothing, Italy, France, 2013
- Southern Chronicles, The, Lithuania, Estonia, 2024
- Sow the Wind, France, Italy, Greece, 2020
- Space Among Us, The, Slovenia, 2021
- Spaceboy, Belgium, 2020
- Spangas in action, Netherlands, 2015
- Spare Keys, France, 2022
- Sparrow, Russia, 2010
- Sparrows, Iceland, Denmark, Croatia, 2015
- Spartacus & Cassandra, France, 2014
- Spartacus and Kalashnikov, Russia, 2002
- Speak Out, France, 2024
- Special People, Great Britain, 2007
- Speed Walking, Denmark, 2014
- Spiderwebhouse, The, Germany, 2014
- Spike Island, Great Britain, 2012
- Spilt Milk, Ireland, Great Britain, 2024
- Spirit of the Forest, Spain, 2008
- Spoon (Lepel), Netherlands/Germany/Great Britain, 2004
- Spot and Splodge, Sweden, 2011
- Spread Your Wings, France, 2019
- Spring Blossom, France, 2020
- Spycies, France, China, 2019
- Squint your Eyes, Poland, 2002
- St. Trinian's, Great Britain, 2007
- Staff Only, Spain, 2020
- Stambul Garden, Germany, 2020
- Standing Tall, France, 2015
- Star Boys, Finland, 2017
- Star Talers, The, Germany, 2011
- Starring Maja, Sweden, 2009
- Stars by the Pound, France, 2019
- Stationspiraten, Switzerland, 2010
- Stay!, Netherlands, 2011
- Stela, North Macedonia, Germany, 2020
- Stella, France, 2008
- Stella and the Star of the Orient, Germany, 2007
- Step into Darkness, A, Turkey, 2009
- Stick Together, Germany, 2023
- Sticks & Stones, Denmark, 2018
- Sting Like a Bee, Italy, 2023
- Stinky Dog – La vie a Paris, France, 2020
- Stolen Childhood, Italy, 2004
- Stop - Zemlia, Ukraine, 2021
- Stop My Stepmom!, Hungary, 2021
- Stop the Horned Vikings!, Russia, 2018
- Store, The, Sweden, Italy, 2022
- Storm, Denmark, 2009
- Storm – Letter of Fire, Netherlands, 2017
- Stormheart, Finland, 2008
- Stormy Lola, Spain, 2023
- Story of Cino, The … The Child Who Crossed the Mountain, Italy, 2013
- Story of Frank and Nina, The, Italy, Switzerland, 2024
- Story of Leo, The, Italy, 2008
- Story of Souleymane, The, France, 2024
- Storytelling Show, The, France, 2011
- Strange Daughter, Germany, 2017
- Strawberry Days, Sweden, Poland, 2016
- Street Kids United, Great Britain, South Africa, 2010
- Strike (aka Mungo), Great Britain, France, 2019
- Strike or Die, France, 2020
- Strings, Denmark, 2004
- Strong as a Lion, Sweden, 2002
- Strong Shoulders, Switzerland/France, 2002
- Strongest Man in Holland, The, Netherlands, 2010
- Stronghold, The, Ukraine, 2017
- Stronghold, The, Ukraine, 2017
- Student, The, Russia, 2016
- Stupid Young Heart, Finland, 2018
- Styx, Germany, 2018
- Submarine, Great Britain, 2010
- Substitute, The, Denmark, 2007
- Süskind, Netherlands, 2012
- Sugar and Stars, France, 2023
- Suicide Room, Poland, 2011
- Suicide Shop, The, France, Belgium, Canada, 2012
- Suit, The, Germany/Russia, 2002
- Summer, Netherlands, 2014
- Summer 1993, Spain, 2017
- Summer Book, Turkey, 2008
- Summer Brother, Netherlands, 2023
- Summer Children, Iceland, 2017
- Summer in Boujad, A, Belgium, France, Morocco, 2022
- Summer of 85, France, Belgium, 2020
- Summer of All My Parents, The, France, 2016
- Summer of Sangaile, The, France, Lithuania, Netherlands, 2015
- Summer of the Flying Saucer, Ireland, Sweden, 2007
- Summer of ‘62 , France, Algeria, 2007
- Summer Outside, Germany, Switzerland, 2012
- Summer Rebels, Germany, Slovak Republic, 2020
- Summer Scars, Great Britain, 2007
- Summer Tale, A, Sweden, 2000
- Summer to Come, Hungary, 2022
- Summer With Rana, Netherlands, 2018
- Summer with the Ghosts, Austria/Canada, 2003
- Summertime, Finland, 2014
- Summit of the Gods, The, France, 2021
- Sumo Kid, The (aka: Little Warrior), Russia, 2021
- Sun, Austria, 2022
- Sun and Concrete, Germany, 2023
- Sun and Daughter, Bolivia, Germany, Spain, 2022
- Sunburned, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, 2019
- Sune vs Sune, Sweden, 2018
- Sune – Best Man, Sweden, 2019
- Sune – Mission Midsummer, Sweden, 2021
- Sunny and the Elephant, France, 2008
- Sunshine Barry & the Disco Worms, Denmark, Germany, 2008
- Supa Modo, Germany, Kenya, 2018
- Super Brother, Denmark, 2009
- Super Elfkins, The, Germany, 2024
- Super Furball, Finland, 2018
- Super Furball Saves the Future, Finland, 2022
- Supercool, Finland, 2021
- Supernova, Italy, 2023
- Supernova, Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, 2013
- Superpowers for Your Mind, Netherlands, 2024
- Superteacher aka Super Miss, Netherlands, 2018
- Supertramps, Spain, 2004
- Suske and Wiske, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, 2003
- Svein and the Rat, Norway, 2006
- Svein and the Rat and the UFO-Mystery, Norway, 2007
- Swagger, France, 2016
- Swallows and Amazons, Great Britain, 2016
- Swallows of Kabul, France, Luxembourg, Swirterland, 2019
- Swan, The, Iceland, Germany, Estonia, 2017
- Sweat, Sweden, Poland, , 2020
- Sweet Evil, France, 2009
- Sweet Sorrow, Serbia, Croatia, 2023
- Sweeties, Netherlands, 2024
- Sweeties, The, Italy, 2018
- Swimming, Germany, 2018
- Swing Ride, Italy, Switzerland, 2022
- Switch – Snowboarder, Norway, 2007
- Synthetic Flowers, Sweden, 2023
- System Crasher
Science Fiction
Original title: Science Fiction
German title: Science Fiction
Belgium, 2002
Director: Deprez, Dany
Production company: A Private View, Gent
Age recommendation: 10 years and up
Ten year old Andreas is the new kid in town. He tells his class that he has lived all over the world on account of his parents being top scientific researchers. Tomboyish Vero lives just next door to Andreas and makes friends with him. She finds his parents really weird. She asks Andreas what they do and who they work for exactly. Andreas doesn't really know except that it has something to do with microbiology and that they work for a multinational company. Vero suggests to spy on them to find out. It'll be fun.
Andreas plants a baby-phone walkie-talkie under the living-room cupboard. He goes to Vero's who has invited some classmates. What the children hear through the baby-phone receiver fires their imagination. It appears that Mum and Dad's years of research are finally paying off. They are on the verge, so they say, of conquering the world and becoming leaders, masters of the universe. They talk about going away with Andreas beyond the stars. The children are perplexed. There can be only one conclusion: Andreas's parents are aliens.
Serious-minded Kasper is certain that his parents' conversation shouldn't be interpreted so
literally. Andreas can't really believe it either. If his parents are aliens, he would have noticed. Still, he might find some answers in the attic. That's the place where his Dad works and that's where he's not allowed to come. Vero invents an intricate scheme to lure the parents away from home. While Mum and Dad are away, the children break into the attic and are astonished to find computer screens with incomprehensible chemical data and a mysterious project called LINEA. And if you switch the order of the letters the project reads ALIEN.
To Kasper, it's just a coincidence. To Vero, it's hard proof. She tells Andreas he can't be his parents' son. He is human. They are not. Meanwhile, Dad finds out that Andreas has been in the attic and reprimands him. Andreas begs him to tell him what he and Mum are doing. They assure him that they're just doing research in their greenhouse and work on the data in the attic. They have a deadline and are very, very busy.
Andreas repeats their explanation to his friends but Vero remains unconvinced. If they really are his parents, he should find proof. That night, Andreas searches the living-room cupboard. He reports his search live to Vero on the walkie-talkie. He finds three photo-albums. The first album is recent and shows photos of Andreas and his parents in different cities. The next one is less recent and similar. The last album dates back from Andreas's first year and his parents are nowhere to be seen...
"Science Fiction" is a thriller told from the point of view of a ten year old boy who feels so unloved that he imagines his parents to be monsters. Or does he? (Source: www.sciencefictionmovie.nl)
A thriller for children.
"Good action, mystery thriller. The gripping tension meant that it would be best for older children and also it has quite a complex plot with lots of things happening at the same time.
(Young People's Jury at Leeds Children's Film Festival 2003)
Gent 2002, Cinekid Amsterdam 2002, Antwerp 2003, Golden Sparrow Erfurt/Gera 2003, Munich 2003, Stuttgart 2003, Zlin 2003 (awarded), Giffoni 2003, Buster Copenhagen 2003, Duesseldorf 2003, Münster 2003, Oulu 2003, Cinemagic Belfast 2003, Istanbul 2003, Montreal 2003 (awarded), Vancouver/Cabada 2004 (awarded), Vilnius 2005, Cinema Infantil Brazil 2004
Website: www.sciencefictionmovie.nl
World sales address/es:
TFI Studio (F)
TrustNordisk Int. Sales (DK)
Sold to:
CinéArt (BE)
A-Film (NL)
MFA+-Filmverleih (D)
Kinderkanal (D)